Calabryando, success the beautiful Calabria told to journalists and insiders

Calabryando, success the beautiful Calabria told to journalists and insiders
Calabryando, success the beautiful Calabria told to journalists and insiders

A celebration of Calabria and “for” Calabria. The most beautiful one, with the best dress tailored on her. Large companies and Calabrian realities, the proactive approach to communication and the starred dinner with the identity products of our table. An informal and sparkling talk, sofas overlooking the sea of ​​the Strait and Calabria that tells its story. This is the summary of “Calabryando”, the event that – once again, for the third edition – has gained consensus and important participation. The promoters of the initiative made it known.

“An exceptional location – the note continues – the “Piro Piro” in Reggio Calabria, recently included in the “Guide to the best beach clubs in Italy”. A four-handed dinner between chef Marco Maltese and chef Christian Balzo of the Michelin-starred restaurant, “Piano 35” in Turin in collaboration with Velier, a leading company in the distribution of “quality drinks”.

The flavors of our products, the excellent examples of the territory, the need to partially rewrite the narrative of our land, i spotlights of local and national communication, therefore entrepreneurs, producers, journalists and digital creators, all this at the “Piro Piro” in Reggio Calabria to discuss the more than evident growth, in food and wine and beyond, of a land like Calabria”.

“We listened and recounted the experiences of the guests, creating a network that was finally different and very proactive”, the words of Giovanna Pizzi who, together with Domenico and Laura del Piro Piro with all their staff in full force, supported in the management by the gjournalist Francesco Mannarino, it has succeeded perfectly in its intent to shed the right light on what we want and need to communicate today.

Together with them, also, great national “pens” of the sector such as Fabrizio Carrera director of “Cronache di Gusto”, Carmen Autuori for “Luciano” and Valeria Zingale, director of Rossetto and “Cioccolato Foodnews”.

And then the manager of Tgr Calabria, Riccardo Giacoia, the publisher and director of Lac, Domenico Maduli and Alessandro Russo up to the many regional and local newspapers and the talented digital creators who have literally invaded the web. Who were the chosen interlocutors in this edition? The figs of Belmonte with Dino Colavolpe; the rice of the Sibari plain with Magisa, an acronym for the young sisters Maria, Giusi and Sara; the stockfish of Mammola by Alagna & Spanò; the poor man’s bean of Mormanno with Teresa Maradei; “Bob Alchimia a Spicchi” with Roberto and Anna excited for the next “Bob Fest”; the Catasta del Pollino, an example to follow, with Giovanni Gagliardi and Manuela Laiacona representing; Emilio Leo of the historic wool mill of Soveria Mannelli, an ancient textile factory.

And then, again, Giacomo Triglia Reggio native and director of video clips for Jovanotti, Dolce and Gabbana and many others; Noemi Evoli for the Aspromonte national park, Noemi Guzzo for the Sila national park and Simona Lo Bianco director of Fai for the Giants of Sila, extraordinary women of our woods. And to make sure we don’t miss anything, the newly awarded super-awarded ice cream from Reggio Calabria with “Cesare” and Davide De Stefano; the wonderful terracottas of Gerocarne with Vitaliano Papillo telling them and the sauce at the “Corte d’Assise” of the Cascina di Roccella Jonica as an example of a product that becomes an identity”.

Music also told the story of Calabria with Giuseppe Marasco di Calabria Sona with the notes and dances of Antonio Grosso “about tarantella” which thrilled the guests.

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