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An 80-year-old donated organs in Catania: «Liver suitable for transplant»

An 80 year old was the organ donor atSan Marco hospital in Catania. The elderly man died from complications due to cerebral hemorrhage. At that point, the family members agreed to the donation of his organs. After careful evaluation of the clinical characteristics – including histological investigation
intraoperative of liver – the doctors have decreed thesuitability of the organ for transplantation.

“This kind of organ harvesting in the so-called great elders – they explain from the hospital – presupposes that there is one technical and organizational capacity expert, with the aim of giving effective answers to people waiting for a transplant». The commission for determining the 80-year-old’s brain death was made up of medical directors Maria Luisa Maniglia of the medical management, by the anesthetist-resuscitator Alessandro Conti and the neurologist Daniela Fatuzzo. The team that carried out the sampling was made up of doctors from San Marco: the anesthetist Marie Antoinette Orbanthe pathologist Loredana Villari and the collecting surgeon of theIsmett of Palermo Ivan Vella.

The team ofIsmett who carried out the sampling returned to the Sicilian capital with the liver and by helicopter from the same Saint Markwith a significant reduction in time of cold ischemia
of the removed organs which guarantees one better conservation and usability.

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