Porto Vecchio gets a makeover for the arrival of Pope Francis in Trieste

Porto Vecchio gets a makeover for the arrival of Pope Francis in Trieste
Porto Vecchio gets a makeover for the arrival of Pope Francis in Trieste

TRIESTE A little more than two weeks after the visit to Trieste by Pope Francis, which will represent the grand finale of the Social Week of Catholics in Italy scheduled from 3 to 7 July, the organizational machine is further accelerating: yesterday (Wednesday 19 June) the company Giudice positioned the signage totems in the Generali Convention Center area.

Trieste awaits the Pope: Piazza Unità under construction

«Combining the signs already created – underlines the president of the Generali Convention Center, Roberto Morelli – the work completes the on-site information and communication system, making the “look” of the conference area definitive. The installation of the totems also constitutes the beginning of the preparations for the Pope’s arrival, even if the arrangement will, in fact, be definitive.”

«From this week, among other things – adds Morelli -, together with illycaffè and their manager Bruno Vesnaver, we have definitively opened the café bar to the public, and no longer just for events. After all, this is also a small milestone, because it is the first definitive refreshment point to open in Porto Vecchio.”

On Sunday 7 July the Holy Father will arrive at the Generali Convention Center at 8am and will be welcomed by the archbishop of Bologna Matteo Maria Zuppi, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, by the archbishop of Catania Luigi Renna, president of the organizing committee of the Social Weeks, and by the bishop from Trieste Enrico Trevisi. With them the governor Massimiliano Fedriga, the prefect and mayor of Trieste Pietro Signoriello and Roberto Dipiazza, and Philippe Donnet, CEO of Generali.

In the subsequent meeting with the participants of the Social Week Bergoglio will hear Zuppi’s greeting and Renna’s introduction. Then he will give his speech. Then, while the congress participants will move to Piazza Unità, Pope Francis will briefly meet some groups of ecumenical representatives, exponents of the academic world, migrants and disabled people.

At 10am Bergoglio will leave the Congress Center in an open car to reach Piazza Unità, where at 10.30am there will be the eagerly awaited mass in front of 10,000 faithful, with the papal homily and the Angelus. Finally, the helicopter is scheduled to take off from Molo Audace at around 12.30 for the return to the Vatican.

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