Water for shelters and mountain pastures, projects funded in Lombardy | Gazzetta delle Valli

Water for shelters and mountain pastures, projects funded in Lombardy | Gazzetta delle Valli
Water for shelters and mountain pastures, projects funded in Lombardy | Gazzetta delle Valli
Brescia – The ranking of projects admitted to the contribution under the Small Basins Call. The measure, proposed by the‘regional councilor to Local Authorities, Mountains, Energy Resources and Water Resource Use, Max Sertorifinances with 5.6 million euros in non-repayable grants interventions for the construction, restoration and extraordinary maintenance of small basins and water collection and storage systems, as well as the related supply and distribution systems. The resources are intended for public bodies and private entities, such as mountain or partially mountainous municipalities and their unions, mountain communities, agricultural businesses, owners and managers of mountain huts, mountain pastures and refuges and forestry and mountain pasture consortia.

“The initiative – says Councilor Sertori – has had a positive response, as in the application submission period (September 25, 2023 – December 1, 2023) 96 funding applications were received, of which 87 were admitted to the contribution, requesting regional funding of 6.78 million euros.

Considering that the call for proposals envisaged a financial endowment of 5.6 million euros, the first 69 applications were funded, against a total investment of 7.26 million euros by the applicants”.

“The funded interventions – continues Sertori – fthey provide fundamental support to agricultural and hospitality activities in mountain areas, as they mainly aim at the extraordinary maintenance and construction of collection systems and related water supply systems”.

“These are therefore significant works, which require the commitment of all parties in order for them to be completed and made effectively operational. We therefore trust in the commitment of the beneficiaries – concludes Sertori – in ensuring the implementation of the interventions by 31 October 2025”. Below is the distribution of interventions by province. With indication of province, applications admitted and financed and contribution granted by province.

Bergamo, 23 applications, 1,849,318 euros;
Brescia, 20 applications, 1,586,681 euros;
Como, 4 questions, 316,934 euros;
Lecco, 6 questions, 480,542 euros;
Sondrio, 16 questions, 1,367,431 euros;
TOTAL, 69 questions, 5,600,908 euros.

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