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Shootout in the evening between carnies in Villafranca, one dead. The mayor: “Patronal celebration could be cancelled”

At the height of an internal dispute between the families who take care of the rides for the festival of St. Peter and Paul a Villafranca of Veronaa shooting occurred resulting in a victim and two injured.

Shooting in Villafranca: a carnie dead

Roberto Dall’Oca, mayor of Villafranca di Verona

There is still little information leaked by the Carabinieri who are currently carrying out the investigations. In the next few hours we will know more in detail, however, as we were told Roberto Dall’Ocamayor of Villafranca di Verona, around 9pm yesterday, Wednesday 19 June 2024, in viale Olimpia, in the area in front of the municipal swimming pools, a a shooting that left one victim and two injuredtaken to the Magalini hospital.

“The competent authorities are carrying out all the necessary investigations – the mayor of Villafranca told us – we remain available for any need. The shooting occurred at the height of a dispute between the families of carnies who in recent days they came to the town for our patron saint’s fair. These are historic families in our area who come here for a couple of weeks every year at this time to celebrate the patron saint’s day.”

The affair has particularly shocked the community and the municipal administration of Villafranca, which, at the moment, is evaluating everything necessary to understand whether it will be possible to regularly carry out the same festival of San Pietro e Paolo, scheduled from 28 to 30 June 2024.

“In the next few hours – Mayor Dall’Oca added – as per practice every year we will carry out an inspection of the fair’s locations with a specific commission to check what to do. Unfortunately this affair compromises our plans a bit: we will in fact evaluate whether to hold the festival or not. In fact, if the conditions were not present, it could all blow up“.

The shooting occurred in the area where the caravans of itinerant carnies are stationed, while the fulcrum of the festival of San Pietro e Paolo is the area of ​​the Scaligero Castle in the heart of the historic centre.

Rides at the festival of San Pietro e Paolo
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