The Venetian Maurizio Casagrande is the winner of the 2024 Ischitella-Pietro Giannone Award

Maurizio Casagrande is the winner of the twenty-first edition of the Ischitella-Pietro Giannone Prize 2024 with the collection in Venetian dialect Co ‘na full of one (With the full moon).

Second place Rosângela Zoppi with the collection in Roman dialect The last one changes. Third Sandro Pecchiari with the collection in Trieste dialect What if yesterday were mules.

The choice of the winners was made by the Jury after a selection of the poetic collections of 12 finalists, which included, in addition to the three winners, the poets: Germana Borginiwith Talaragn (Ragnatela) in the Santarcangiolese dialect of Romagna, Ulysses Fiolowith Bróse scapàe (Peeling…) Venetian dialect, Michele Lalla with Youde sunne (Street of dreams)Abruzzo dialect, Diego Millo, with PièrabechTrieste dialect, Maurizio Paganelliwith I armoìn in LöaLigurian dialect, Alfredo Panettawith Thri Tempi (Three Times)Calabrian dialect, Edoardo Penonciniwith Between farmà and capadcò (Between stops and terminus)Emilian dialect, Grazia Scuderiwith Vecchi storii (Ancient stories)Sicilian dialect, Andreina Trusgnachwith Zgint al vztrajat – To vanish or persistSlovenian dialect of the Natisone Valleys (UD)

The Award is organized by the Municipality of Ischitella (FG), in collaboration with lAssociation Suburbs”.

It avails itself of a Jury composed of Franzo Grande Stevens (Honorary President), Rino Caputo (Rome Tor Vergata University) President, Anna Maria Curci (poet, Editorial Staff Suburbs”), Manuel Cohen (poet and literary critic), Vincenzo Luciani (poet), Giuseppe Massara (Rome La Sapienza University), Cosma Siani (Rome Tor Vergata University), Marcellus Teodonio (GG Belli Study Center).

The awards ceremony of the winners will take place in Ischitella (FG) on September 7, 2024 and will be preceded by a reading of the winning poets in Foce Varano il September 6, 2024.


Ph. Arcangelo Piai

Maurizio Casagrande (Padua, 1961) teaches literature at high schools. He published for critics: In a whirlpool of loyalty (2006), interviews with 20 Italian poets. Anthologies: In class, with the poets (2014) e Another Veneto. Poets in dialect between the twentieth century and the twentieth century (2014, with Matteo Vercesi). For poetry: Sofegòn bastard (2011), Pavèrghine ave (2015), In the senare (2018), Dàssea nare (2019), Co to scùria (2021), Belès (2024).

Rosângela Zoppi she was born in Rome. She graduated in Political ScienceUniversity of Padua, published the poetic collections: Mo cher first parcel lI voted (2001), Marzarola snow (2004)My words for others (1990), Before the heart turns to stone (2005)Framezzo ar maruame (2005), Na viola black thought (2009) and in 2018 Stick flower. She has published three volumes on her hometown and her dialect of which she is a scholar and expert: Roma, the memory of the streets (2007), SPQR (Sproloquies, Proverbs, Quibbles, Memories): Rome and its people (with Claudio Sterpi, 2011) e The language of Rome: dialect, proverbs and sayings (2021). He has an in-depth study on the walls and gates of Rome entitled “Pomerium: the city walls of the city of Rome from the archaic period to the unification of Italy” currently being published by Arbor Sapientiae.

Sandro Pecchiari lives in Trieste. He graduated in Foreign Languages ​​and LiteraturesUniversity of Udine in 1977. He published: Green Years2012, The Quick Roots2013, LImperfection of the Flood An Unrehearsed Flood2015, the anthological work Scripta Non Manent, 2018; Desunt Nonnulla, 2020; Behind things, 2022. His poems in Trieste were published by Arcipelago Itaca in 2020. He collaborates with lIndependent Poetry association, with the magazine “Graphie” of Cesena and the blog Versante Ripido of Bologna. You also write for “Il Ponterosso” of Trieste and for “Fare Voci” of Gorizia.

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