The Fire Brigade of the Provincial Command of Catania have joined the social project “Ospedali a Colori”, “Divisa Amica” and “Comune Amico” bringing a smile to the small patients of the pediatric department of the “Garibaldi” hospital in Nesima in Catania.

the Ass. Humanitatis Progressum, a “non-profit association” with various free and charitable social initiatives currently active, has been promoting the project called “Divisa Amica” since 2022 and the project called “Comune Amico” signed with the Department of Social Services, Inclusion since 2024. Social and Family of the Municipality of Catania, which have the aim of creating moments of meeting and integration between children/young people, aged between 6 and 17, with law enforcement operators and public institutions, to strengthen the sense of trust, proximity and civic participation and promote the diffusion of values ​​and the culture of legality as well as the defense of the common heritage.

This activity combines with the project called “Hospitals in colour”, which aims to make the Sicilian pediatric departments and hospitalization centers for children happier environments, through the periodic visit of a group of 17 comics-marvel superheroes called “The Sicilian Superheroes” (Iron Man, Spiderman, Captain America, Batman, Deadpool, Vision, Flash, Scarlett, Thor, Aquaman, Catwoman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Doctor Strange, Clea, Wolverin and Hulk) who entertain themselves with children through recreational and entertainment activities, but also with various educational activities in outdoor environments.

In this two-year period, various activities have been carried out with the police forces and public institutions, receiving approval and sharing, not only in terms of participation, but above all for the achievement of the set objectives.

The joint visit of the Fire Brigade with other law enforcement agencies to the pediatric department of the Garibaldi Nesima hospital on 15 June 2024, accompanying the group of Sicilian Superheroes, was aimed at creating a playful moment with hospitalized children and bringing them small gifts

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