Autonomy is law. Salvini: “Victory for all Italians”. Meloni: “a fairer country”

Autonomy is law. Salvini: “Victory for all Italians”. Meloni: “a fairer country”
Autonomy is law. Salvini: “Victory for all Italians”. Meloni: “a fairer country”

At the end of a nocturnal river session, the ok comes from the House of Representatives to the bill containing provisions for the implementation of theDifferentiated autonomy of the Regions with ordinary statute pursuant to article 116, third paragraph, of the Constitution. 172 parliamentarians voted in favor, 99 expressed themselves against while there was only one abstention. The measure had already been approved by the Senate. The parliamentary session in the middle of the night had been requested by the government majority – following the green light to the bill on the premiership – with the proposal consequently accepted amid protests from the opposition, who had blamed the lack of green light from the group leaders. There were only two interruptions: at two in the morning and at half past four, lasting ten minutes each. In any case, autonomy is now law. “More autonomy, more cohesion, more subsidiarity. Here are the three cornerstones of the bill on differentiated autonomy approved in the Chamber – writes Giorgia Meloni on X -. A step forward to build aItaly stronger and fairer, overcome the differences that exist today between the different territories of the nation and guarantee the same qualitative and quantitative levels of performance across the entire territory. Carry on like this, respecting the commitments made to the citizens“.

What was voted on last night

The bill presented by the Minister for Regional Affairs, Roberto Calderoli, aims to grant greater autonomy to the ordinary statute regions that request it. The proposal would involve sectors such as foreign trade, energy, transport, education, environment and culture. Important role is played by essential levels of services (Lep) which must be ensured for all citizens regardless of the region of residence: much will certainly depend on which bar will be set. Overnight, deputies approved Article 2 onagreement between the State and the regions (170 in favour, 105 against), 3 on the determination of essential performance levels (166-115), 4 on the transfer of functions, 166-114).

There were also approvals for article 5, relating to financial resources (170-105), article 6 which instead attributes further administrative functions to local authorities (173-109), article 7 on the duration of agreements and the succession of laws ( 170-112), the 8th on monitoring (174-113), the 9th regarding the financial clauses, the 10th for the measures to promote economic development, cohesion and social solidarity and finally the 11th which provides for the transitional and final provisions. They were all amendments rejected presented by the opposition.

The League rejoices

The definitive approval of the differentiated autonomy reform “and the culmination of years and years of political battles of the Leaguewithin the institutions and in the squares together with the militants, with a vote that writes a page of history for the whole country“, Minister Calderoli himself declares immediately. For Matteo Salvini it is a “victory for all Italians“and there will be a”A more efficient and more modern Italy, with less waste and more services for all citizens, from North to South“. “48 hours without ever sleeping, over 230 votes, over 72 hours of commission. But satisfaction makes up for everything, because today is a historic day. 7.40 am on June 19, 2024: autonomy is state law!“. This is how Northern League member Alberto Stefani commented on social media in a visibly joyful way. “The biggest thanks goes to the militant community of the League to whom today we can say: We did it“, underlines the leader of the League in the Chamber, Riccardo Molinari. In what he considers a “historic day” for the Northern League, the president of the Northern League deputies thanks both Giorgia Meloni and “respected the majority agreement“, the allied parties of the centre-right and the parliamentarians of the League, then he quoted “who started this path, that is Umberto Bossi and Roberto Maroni” in addition to Minister Calderoli who “dedicated his life to the themes of Autonomy” and to “Matteo Salvini, a secretary who brings us to this result“, he concludes.

FdI on the left: “You have lost face”

In the final declarations of vote on Autonomy in the Chamber of Deputies Thomas Fotigroup leader of the Brothers of Italy, responds to the opposition by recalling that “all governments have prioritized a law that would give concrete application to article 116 of the Constitution“. Also because the constitutional reform of Title V – he recalls – was desired by the center-left coalition way back in 2001 and passed with just three votes of difference in Parliament. And this law is the result of that provision. In the final part of his speech comes the ‘direct attack on the left-wing parties: first on the secretary of the Democratic Party Schlein who was “vice president of Emilia Romagna region” when Stefano Bonaccini asked the national government for 13 new subjects to be transferred to his area, then to the entire wide field when he had put Autonomy as the priority of the Giallorossi government: “There’s no point beating around the bush, we’ve got you covered in the cookie jar. Other than ‘mask and face, you are just a mask, you lost your face a long time ago. One, none and one hundred thousand… Good luck, cemetery“.

Forza Italia’s requests

Forza Italia joins in the celebrations and, for her part, limited herself to presenting four agendas in the Chamber. The party led by Antonio Tajani asks the government to commit to “apply rigorously“the ability of the executive to”limit the subject of the negotiation to some subjects or subject areas identified by the Region“, to guarantee the “protection of legal unity or economic state“. Another agenda asks that the interventions with which the government will set the Lep in the next two years be accompanied by “a technical report, to allow a verification of both of the issues also in a parliamentary context financial implications of the move“. The executive should then commit to “do not start negotiations on acts initiated by the Regions“and not to proceed with any negotiations already started”until the relevant Lep is defined“. Finally, the evaluation of the “opportunity” to carry out an impact analysis when the Regions have to give subjects on which the Lep are not foreseen.

The opposition protests

After last week’s heated (and physical) debate, the night session in Montecitorio was not characterized by moments of particular emotional tension. In any case, strong objections from the opposition remain. Elly Schlein speaks of a “second act of a shameful exchange made on the skin of Italians”. The secretary of Democratic party he characterizes the urgency imposed by the Meloni government as obtaining the “scalp of the south, for a cynical barter of the League”. “We would have liked to debate the bill on differentiated autonomy with seriousness and serenity, but this has been prevented by the majority since its examination in the Commission: parliament has been violated – declare the deputies of the 5 Star Movement in a statement –.

The majority decided to approve the measure under cover of darkness“. Nicola Fratoianni speaks “of yet another completely useless forcing, a sign of arrogance“.

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