Here is the exam-saving diet for almost 37 thousand students in Puglia

Here is the exam-saving diet for almost 37 thousand students in Puglia
Here is the exam-saving diet for almost 37 thousand students in Puglia

PUGLIA – Abuse of coffee is the most frequent dietary mistake made by students preparing to face the final exam, because it causes excitement, anxiety and insomnia which make them lose concentration and serenity, while fruit helps to relax and fight the great heat which is disturbing studies these days. This is what Coldiretti Puglia states, which has drawn up the list of foods “passed and failed” in the diet for high school leaving exams involving 36,651 students, of which 14,933 in the provinces of Bari and BAT, 3259 in Brindisi, 6103 in Capitanata, 7105 in province of Lecce and 5251 in the province of Taranto.

Help to overcome worry comes from foods rich in relaxing substances such as – underlines Coldiretti Puglia – bread, pasta or rice, lettuce, radicchio, onion, fresh cheeses, yogurt, boiled eggs, hot milk, sweet fruit and honey infusions which they promote sleep and help the body to relax to face the school challenge with the necessary energy and concentration.

To face the final rush to avoid, because they can cause insomnia and agitation, in addition to coffee, there are also bagged chips, pretzels and chocolate which are often present among the emergency supplies of anxious eves. It is necessary – advises Coldiretti Puglia – to try to rest adequately by paying attention to your diet, avoiding both fasting and excesses, in particular with heavy foods or exciting substances. Among the out condiments, foods with excess sodium should be avoided, for which curry, pepper, paprika and salt in abundance should be banned, as well as dishes in which cooking cubes have been used. Canned foods should also be kept away due to their excess sodium and preservatives.

However, there are foods that – highlights Coldiretti Puglia – help you relax due to the presence of an amino acid, tryptophan, which promotes the synthesis of serotonin, the neuromediator of well-being and the brain neurotransmitter that stimulates relaxation. Serotonin increases with the consumption of foods with simple sugars such as sweet seasonal fruit but positive effects in the evening diet are seen with legumes, boiled eggs, meat, fish, fresh cheeses. Among vegetables – Coldiretti recalls – lettuce comes first, followed by onion and garlic, because their strong sedative properties help you sleep.

A glass of hot milk is also good, right before going to bed, which in addition to reducing gastric acidity which can interrupt sleep, allows elements to enter into circulation during digestion which favor a good sleep due to substances, also present in fresh cheeses and yogurt, which are able to reduce insomnia and nervousness. Finally – concludes Coldiretti Puglia – a good encouraging sweet rich in simple carbohydrates has a positive anti-stress action, as do infusions and herbal teas sweetened with honey which create an atmosphere of relaxation and pleasure which relaxes the mind and makes it more ready to respond to the examiners’ requests.

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