Ungaretti, Pirandello and Levi Montalcini among the tracks

The day has arrived: today the final exam begins and for the 9,169 Romagna students out of the 35,683 taking tests across the region, it will finally be a return to normality. After the pandemic and the flood, the 2024 exam once again becomes an exam based on written and oral tests for everyone. In the Ravenna area there are 2,914 young people taking the exam.

The traces

The tracks for the 2024 Maturity exam were revealed at 8.30am. The tracks chosen by the Ministry of Education and Merit: there are seven, divided into three types.

Text analysis. For the first typology, that of text analysis, the options to choose from are a prose text and a poetry text. The choice of the ministry fell on “The pilgrimage” by Giuseppe Ungaretti for poetry and “The notebooks of Serafino Gubbio” by Luigi Pirandello for the prose text.

Argumentative text. The second typology is the analysis and production of an argumentative text and brings together three possible tracks in total, which can touch on the most varied areas: artistic, literary, historical, philosophical, scientific, technological, economic, social.

This year students can choose between: a text taken from “History of Europe” by the historian Giuseppe Galassowhich invites graduates to reflect on the use of the atomic bomb, “Rediscovering silence” by journalist Nicoletta Polla Mattiot and another track on the value of the artistic and cultural heritage.

Current topic. The last category, which contains two tracks, is that of current affairs. Here the chosen tracks are: Rita Levi Montalcini with “The Praise of Imperfection” and a writing taken from “Selfie profiles and blogs” by Maurizio Caminitowhich invites graduates to reflect on the importance and meaning of the diary in the digital age.

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