The “Cardano model” works if it looks far ahead

In 2019 the fall of the “stronghold” of Cardano al Campo It had been a shock, but also the outcome of a crisis that had lasted for several years, with an anomalous centre-left that had however gradually withdrawn into the management of internal tensions and the taking of identity-based positions.

After five years, however, the centre-left takes back control of the Municipality.
It does partly thanks to the shortcomings of the centre-rightwho conducted a half-hearted electoral campaign, aware of the shortcomings of a five-year period concluded, summarized by the step backwards of the outgoing mayor (and it is curious to note that his predecessor, Angelo Bellora, did the same in 2019).
But the centre-left wins in this 2024 also on his own merit. Thanks to the skills of Lorenzo Aspesi, to the ability to mobilize demonstrated by the different components – the left, the Democratic Party, the centrists – in terms of content and passion and then also in preferences.

After many years, the “Cardano model”.
Which is not a simple centre-left, but the synthesis between an autonomous left and an equally independent centre
outside of a Democratic Party that nevertheless has its own vitality in the town. A political formula somehow also summarized in the formation of the council, where the two components are not – as in other Municipalities – collateral to the main center-left party but represent the elements of greatest political weight.

The formation of the council required time and negotiations, not by chance the mayor Aspesi had prudently scheduled the city council for the last available day. The experience of the Bellora administration, with the mayor squeezed between almost opposing forces, shows the possible risks of cohabitation, if identity forces prevail.

Aspesi, like Bellora, is a good mediatoralready during the electoral campaign he smoothed out some rough edges and sought common ground (starting with the name of the list).
In a more distant past the “Cardano model” had shown that it could work: it could work again – and represent a model, in fact – if the three components will be able to valorise the differences within a common and long-term projecttaking inspiration more from the creative phase of the “noughties” than from the “war of position” of its later phase, about ten years ago.

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