Reforms, oppositions in the streets against autonomy and the premiership: “Strong and united response”

Reforms, oppositions in the streets against autonomy and the premiership: “Strong and united response”
Reforms, oppositions in the streets against autonomy and the premiership: “Strong and united response”

In Piazza Santi Apostoli there demonstration of the opposition against autonomy and the premiership. In the square many Tricolor flags and of the promoting parties, Pd, M5S, Avs together with Più Europa. Many acronyms have also joined, from CGIL to Anpi. “Unity, unity” is the chant while the leaders of the center-left take turns on stage.

“Today the premiership passed in the Senate, the self-styled patriot is splitting Italy in order to carry out her reform because they are forcing it to carry out autonomy – he says Elly Schlein arriving at Santi Apostoli – It is important to be, as opposition forces, political, social and associative realities, many citizens together to prevent our Constitution from being distorted. We will stop them together, we must stop them”.

The one in Santi Apostoli “is a beautiful square – underlines the Dem leader – lots of participation, convened in a few days. The beauty of seeing so many different flags all together united to defend the Constitution and national unity”. “We invited everyone – she explains – we respect everyone’s choices, I think it was important to give this signal: for the first time we have called a united demonstration together and there is always time to broaden when the objectives are common”.

And again: “A wonderful, wonderful square. I want to say thank you to all of you, thank M5S, Avs, +Europa for having felt the need for a unitary square. It is unity that gives us the strength to be here together: we will not allow this right to overturn the Constitution”. “We are all here together – says Schlein – because we are all anti-fascist”.

We saw the Fanpage investigation into the Fdi youth team: what is Meloni waiting for to kick them out? Those images went around the world”, continues the dem, who promises: “Next time a bigger square. This is the first but it won’t be the last. No more divisions. Let’s hold on to our differences which are an asset if put to value. Let us be ready, united and compact.”

“It’s nice – continues Schlein – to see all our flags waving together. We must do this to give Italians the answers they deserve.”

Also Giuseppe Contearriving at Santi Apostoli on foot with Leonardo Donno and the entire M5S group, says: “It won’t be kicks and punches that will stop usagainst the autonomy that splits Italy and the premiership, our response is strong and united: they will not pass”. And again: “I was disconcerted by a Prime Minister who made no condemnation of the attack in the chamber and instead spoke of provocation” while “this square is the best response to arrogance, arrogance and violence. We are the answer. Last week, a spectacle unworthy of a democracy took place. That wasn’t a fight but a beating by majority parliamentarians against our Donno.”

“The purpose of this reform is to call us citizens every five years to vote for a leader, with parliamentarians reduced to butlers, the President of the Republic a paper pusher. We will not allow it. Institutions cannot be reduced to ‘Casa Meloni’ with brother-in-law, friends and crowd of yes men“, the words of Conte, who adds: “Brothers of Italy are selling out the unity of Italy for remaining in government to the detriment of the Republic”.

Conte then calls Leonardo Donno on stage, who goes up waving the tricolor. “We are not intimidated. If waving the tricolor is a provocation then let’s wave this tricolor louder. If there is a minister who backs away from the tricolour, they continue to wave it so that by dint of backing away we send them home,” says Donno.

“Today’s square is a signal to the country, we need to be united – he says Angelo Bonelli – It’s a small but significant step to build opposition unity send Meloni to the opposition”.

“We will necessarily have to pass through this square when we put this Government in the minority”, the national secretary of the Socialist Party then said Enzo Maraio speaking in Piazza Santi Apostoli. “We must also catch up with those who were absent today”, comments the secretary. “The objective is to defeat this right with its illiberal traits. A right that wants to establish who is in charge to change as Italy wants.” “They want to divide Italy: leave behind the last, the weak, the poor and people who are in difficulty. This means that around two and a half million people will give up treatment because they cannot use private healthcare. Healthcare must be free for everyone – Maraio reiterated – we will fight for this”. The secretary then stigmatized the quarrel in Parliament a few days ago, “it made us ridiculous before the world” and condemned the defacement made to Matteotti’s monument in Riano: “Matteotti was the first anti-fascist martyr. Dear Giorgia, we have history and a past of conquests and we are proud of it. You have a past you should be ashamed of. From this square the hope of an anti-fascist and democratic Italy must be ignited”.

Hugs and jokes between leaders in the backstage of Santi Apostoli

In the backstage the crowd is suffocating. Parliamentarians, staff, leaders all together, crowded together at Santi Apostoli. Schlein arrives making his way through the crowd in the square, Conte on the opposite side with the entire M5S group. There is Donno next to the 5 Star leader, in his arms he has his little son wrapped in a tricolor. They meet with Schlein, hugs in favor of cameras and a long conversation. Then Conte’s embrace with Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli. Meanwhile, the chant “unity, unity” rises from the square.

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