“The Castelnuovo Vomano registry office has been closed for twenty days” – News

“The Castelnuovo Vomano registry office has been closed for twenty days” – News
“The Castelnuovo Vomano registry office has been closed for twenty days” – News

“There are numerous exasperated citizens who turned to the councilors of the opposition group “In Comune per Tutti” complaining about the inefficiencies caused by the closure of the municipal delegation of Castelnuovo Vomano – Registry and Civil Status Office”

The opposition councilors Di Stefano, Ettorre and Tini thus monitored this reported situation “noting that, for approximately 20 days, the municipal delegation of Castelnuovo Vomano is closed to the public, noting the serious critical situation, especially to the detriment of the weakest groups and the elderly. For about 20 days we have been witnessing a seriously critical situation due to the closure of the municipal delegation of Castelnuovo Vomano – Registry and civil status officewhere the designated staff numbers are completely insufficient to manage the wide range of functions to which this Office must respond”.

And again: “Unfortunately it seems that this situation is only the first of a long series of disservices of the municipal administrative machine whose ineffectiveness has been reported several times during the municipal councils by the undersigned opposition group; to date, this ineffective way of operating by the majority administration and Mayor Rocci has done nothing but aggravate an already precarious and incomplete situation. Despite our requests and questions, Mayor Rocci and his administration have done nothing to resolve the many already known problems (including the lack of staff) which have therefore worsened even more, especially in recent months. . Finally, it is necessary to remember that the registry and civil status services are services of state competence delegated to the municipalities and cannot be subject to interruptions or even limitations, which has probably been happening for about 20 days to the municipal delegation of Castelnuovo Vomano, thus forcing numerous citizens to go to the Castellato office which would find itself managing a considerable work flow with the presence of only one employee operator assigned to the counter (since as far as we know, the support staff appears to have resigned to serve in other municipal bodies) ”.

In light of the above, “we the opposition councilors are alarmed by this situation that is being experienced in the Municipality and therefore ask to know what actions the Rocci-led municipal administration intends to undertake to resolve, hopefully in the short term, the situation of paralysis in carrying out normal functions of demographic and civil status services provided by the municipal delegation of Castelnuovo Vomano in the hope that palliative and non-definitive hiring/collaboration will not be resorted to “again” to resolve the problem”.

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