Ancona, slimming treatments with anti-thyroid drugs. Doctor in trouble for miracle potions

Ancona, slimming treatments with anti-thyroid drugs. Doctor in trouble for miracle potions
Ancona, slimming treatments with anti-thyroid drugs. Doctor in trouble for miracle potions

ANCONA He made a name for himself because with his miraculous “potions” he managed to make even the most overweight patients lose weight. According to the prosecution, however, he prescribed drugs that had nothing to do with aesthetic medicine and were used for something else, such as the treatment of diabetes, thyroid or conjunctivitis, however they also had slimming powers.

The reconstruction

Now on trial is a 70-year-old doctor, resident in Foligno, but who also practiced his profession in a practice in Senigallia. The accusations: administration of medicines in a dangerous way (because he underestimated the risks that his patients could run due to the active ingredients contained in the drugs) and false ideology. According to the prosecutor’s office, in fact, he filled out medical prescriptions falsely certifying the existence of pathologies affecting the people who turned to him to lose weight. According to the investigations, which started in September 2018, the doctor specialized in aesthetic medicine prescribed over-the-counter drugs, such as metformin, transene, fluoxetine and alprazolam or “white” prescriptions to be presented at the pharmacy to receive galvanic preparations, such as pseudoephedrine, dry or powdered thyroid , used to treat hypothyroidism or nasal congestion. Yesterday one of the patients was heard by judge Antonella Passalacqua. «I turned to him because after giving birth I gained weight – she said – she said. He told me to come back after breastfeeding and so I did. He prescribed me a diet which I followed for 2-3 months. I lost weight, but when I saw that among the components there was one against hyperthyroidism, I asked him for explanations and the doctor invited me not to worry: it was minimal and there was no risk. There was also an antidepressant drug in the solution.” Two years later, the patient returned to the same doctor. «He prescribed me a different treatment because certain components could no longer be put in the preparations by law. Informed consent? Yes, I had signed a form.” Next hearing, October 8.


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