Anci, Decaro: his strength has always been his unity – News VDA

Anci, Decaro: his strength has always been his unity – News VDA
Anci, Decaro: his strength has always been his unity – News VDA

Rome, 18 June. (askanews) – “I thank everyone for the support I have received in these eight years, for the friendship and solidarity that I have always felt from the community of mayors”. This was stated by the mayor of Bari and president of the ANCI Antonio Decaro, elected MEP, addressing the National Council of the ANCI meeting today in Rome.

“In this period – the president of the Anci recalled – we have faced and overcome difficult and even dramatic moments in the history of Italy, but in the face of every challenge the Anci has proven to be a beautiful group of women and men closely united from the passion for one’s work, from the concrete sharing of problems, from the interest in finding the best solutions for the country, from a way of working in which everyone is able to give and receive the best”.

“The great strength of the ANCI – added Decaro – has always been its unity, beyond territorial origins and political affiliations, and this will continue to be the case. There are many people among us who can do well in representative roles of the Association and I am proud because I leave to those who come after me a structure of great quality and high professionalism which is among the best that Italy can count on” .

“For this reason – concluded Decaro – I am sure that the ANCI will be able to find the best solutions to confirm its central role in the Italian institutional system, in a political, social and economic phase that promises to be difficult and full of demanding deadlines”.

President Decaro finally announced that a Guarantee Commission will be responsible for managing the internal steps in view of the National Assembly which will be held in Turin from 20 to 22 November.

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