Paris 2024, last flights. Italia Team present in 34 disciplines?

Paris 2024, last flights. Italia Team present in 34 disciplines?
Paris 2024, last flights. Italia Team present in 34 disciplines?

Italy at Paris Olympics it could even be present in 34 disciplines: and it would be a truly significant figure. We are now at 31. The latest sport to qualify is golf. Thanks to Matteo Manassero and Guido Migliozzi who gained the pass after the Olympic rankings closed. These are decisive days for other sports. The Italia Team is now waiting for the qualifiers men’s basketball (pre-Olympic tournament in Puerto Rico in early July), breaking (at Olympic debut) e skateboarding (busy in Budapest this week) and which could bring the total to 34 disciplines. Furthermore, there is still hope for the climbing and closing of other rankings. Sunday 23 June is the deadline for achieving the Olympic limit in swimming and Sunday 30 in athletics.

For Manassero, Paris 2024 will be the second Olympic participation after Rio 2016, which ended in 27th place. Migliozzi, already a winner on the Olympic course at the Open de France in 2022, made his debut in 2021 in Tokyo, finishing in 32nd place. The Olympic golf competitions will take place from Thursday 1st August to Sunday 4th at ‘Le Golf National’ Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. The president of the Italian Golf Federation, Franco Chimenti, has a lot of faith in the Azzurri: now they are also expecting two girls, the women’s Olympic ranking will close on June 24th. Meanwhile in the modern pentathlon fourth Olympic pass for Italy with Matteo Cicinelli who qualified based on ranking. At the moment there are 348 Italians certain to compete in Paris (185 men, 163 women) in 31 disciplines. Mission head Carlo Mornati has great confidence that we could even reach 390, and it would be a record. “Never so strong” as Malagò says, and adds “never in such a bad situation with sports facilities”.

The book “Peace Games” and Pope Francis’ appeal

«In the particularly dark historical moment we are experiencing, the Olympic Games and Paralympics in Paris are an opportunity for peace. Thinking back to the value of the Olympic truce – proposed by the United Nations – my hope is? that sport can concretely build bridges, break down barriers, promote peaceful relations.” The Pope’s appeal was relaunched yesterday at the Olympic stadium on the occasion of the presentation of the book “Games of Peace”. The soul of the Olympics and Paralympics” which opens with Francis’ preface expressly dedicated to peace. An appeal that the Pontiff also renewed at the G7. The Pope’s words in the book – published by the Vatican publishing house, on the initiative of Athletica Vaticana, edited by Vincenzo Parrinello (192 pages, 17 euros)– were the common thread at the lively meeting at the Olimpico, just over a month before the opening ceremony of the Games in Paris. In the preface of the book Francis hopes «that the appeal for a truce arising from the common popular Olympic language, understandable to all, at every latitude, can be accepted. My hope is that Olympic and Paralympic sport (…) can be an original diplomatic channel to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.” With the awareness, states the Pope, that «the authentic Olympic and Paralympic spirit is? an antidote to avoid falling into the tragedy of war and to redeem oneself by putting an end to the violence.” General Vincenzo Parrinello, editor of the book, long-time sports manager with the Fiamme Gialle and Fidal, reiterated that “sport is not victory or defeat but values”. In his speech he recalled, among other things, one of the most heartfelt appeals of the Pontificate of John Paul II: that “War on wars” of 1995 reproduced in large headlines on the front page of “L’Osservatore Romano” of the time. And using an image familiar to the world of athletics, he indicated in Pope Francis’ message an ideal “witness” to gather to bring to the finish line the “relay of peace” that humanity so needs today.

Milan-Cortina 2026, protocol between Simico and the Financial Police against fraud

Activate a collaboration “in order to ensure the strengthening of the system for preventing and combating embezzlement, fraud, fraud and any other illicit activity connected to the execution of works, services and supplies for the implementation of the Overall Olympic Works Plan”: this is what is provided for in a Memorandum of Understanding relating to the collaborative relationships between the Guardia di Finanza and Società Infrastrutture Milano Cortina 2026 (Simico). The agreement was signed in Rome by the General Commander CA Andrea De Gennaro and by the Government Commissioner and CEO of SIMICO Arch. Fabio Saldini. The Protocol – from which no charges will be borne by public finances – will have a duration of two years and may also be integrated and modified by mutual agreement between the parties to take into account new aspects that may emerge during the collaboration and the need to better define and specify the tools and methods of collaboration itself. On the basis of the agreement signed, Simico, among the various activities indicated, makes qualified data and news available to the Special Public Expenditure and Community Fraud Repression Unit, also through a specific collaborative digital platform and reports the measures and/or contexts in which it deems appropriate any analysis and in-depth activities are addressed.

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