Guarantor of the rights of disabled people, the proposed law in Molise

Guarantor of the rights of disabled people, the proposed law in Molise
Guarantor of the rights of disabled people, the proposed law in Molise

CAMPOBASSO. The councilors Stefania Passarelli and Armandino D’Egidio presented a regional law proposal concerning: “Establishment of the Guarantor of the rights of disabled people”.

With legislative decree 5 February 2024 n. 20 –the presenters write in the explanatory report of the text drafted – the National Authority for the rights of persons with disabilities was established in implementation of the delegation conferred to the Government with the delegation law of 22 December 2021, no. 227. This Authority will be operational from 01 January 2025 and will have contacts with the network of Guarantors present on a territorial basis. It is therefore necessary to provide our Region with the “Regional Guarantor of the rights of persons with disabilities” since the Regional Law of 9.12.2015 no. 17 merged the competences relating to persons with disabilities in the Guarantor of the rights of the person”.

In this perspective, the pdl provides for the establishment at the Regional Council of Molise (which elects him for a 5-year mandate), of the “Regional Guarantor of the rights of people with disabilities” to whom the task is assigned, as a monocratic body that operates in full organizational autonomy, independence of judgment and evaluation, to ensure, within the entire regional territory, the protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities in compliance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, made in New York on 13 December 2006 and ratified and made executive with law 3 March 2009, n. 18.

The object of the action to protect their rights by the Guarantor are people with disabilities, residents or domiciled or having a stable residence in the regional territory whose disability condition has been ascertained pursuant to law 104/1992 and subsequent amendments and in a manner broader than all people with disabilities in the definition of disability consistent with the art. 1 second paragraph of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The legislative initiative was assigned by the President of the Queen’s Council, Quintino Pallante, to the permanent commission dealing with the matter which, after the investigation and the expression of the opinion of competence, will send it for definitive examination in the Chamber.

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