University of Trieste, new degrees for digital and ecological transition

University of Trieste, new degrees for digital and ecological transition
University of Trieste, new degrees for digital and ecological transition

L’University of Trieste recently presented two new Master’s degree courses in Englishfocused on the digital, ecological and energy transition. These training courses, called “Engineering for the Energy Transition” and “European Policies for Digital, Ecological and Social Transitions”, were developed by the departments of Engineering and Political and Social Sciences.

An innovative and multidisciplinary training offer

The rector of the University of Trieste, Roberto Di Leonardastressed the importance of these courses which aim to train innovative professional figures e highly sought after in the job marketThe main objective is to develop new models and professions needed to address transition processes. Multidisciplinarity is a key element of these paths, which integrate skills in engineering, political science, economics and social sciences.

The support of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region

The regional councillor for education, Alessia Rosolenhighlighted the fundamental role of the Region in supporting and co-financing these initiatives. The collaboration between the University of Trieste and the Region was crucial to the launch of these courseswith a clear commitment to decarbonisation and the fight against climate change.

Decarb Project and the Elisa Laboratory

An integral part of this collaboration is the project Decarbwhich aims to improve the competitiveness of regional research. In the first batch of interventions, the construction of the Elisa’s laboratoryan energy storage and accumulation plant with photovoltaic systems. This laboratory, co-financed by the Region with a total investment of 527 thousand euros in the three-year period 2022-24, it will be a point of reference for engineers, chemists, computer scientists, economists and social scientists.

Councillor Rosolen at the inauguration of the Elisa laboratory

The words of Alessia Rosolen

“The goal is to attract more and more young people to the areaoffering high-level training courses and creating new opportunities to combat ongoing climate change”Rosolen said. He also highlighted how the Region is implementing concrete measures to support theattractiveness of the territory and improve employability levels.

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