Penny Wirton Association is looking for volunteers to teach Italian to migrants

Penny Wirton Association is looking for volunteers to teach Italian to migrants
Penny Wirton Association is looking for volunteers to teach Italian to migrants

The Penny Wirton Association of Faenza is looking for new volunteers for the summer period. The aim of the association is to teach the Italian language for free to migrants who need it.. In the months of July and August the school is open on Wednesdays from 6.30pm to 8pm in the premises in via Fornarina 12.

The Penny Wirton School

«Ours is a totally free school, all foreigners who need to improve or learn Italian can access it – underlines the president of the association Gloria Ghetti. Italian is an indispensable tool for the protection of their own condition and that of minors in their family unit, to establish friendly and social relationships and to access opportunities for dignified, safe, legal work. To become a volunteer it is not necessary to have teaching experience, but only a little familiarity with Italian, attention to the difficulties of others and commitment to helping overcome them. In order to respond to everyone’s concrete needs, we try to work in a ‘one to one’ relationship, or in small groups of 2 or 3 of the same linguistic level.”

Over the past year, more than 50 foreigners have attended Penny Wirton’s classes.people with different nationalities and needs: “Penny has been open in Faenza since 2017 and in these years of activity, people from many parts of the world have turned to us: Ivory Coast, Senegal, Nigeria, Somalia, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Argentina, Uruguay, Ukraine, Albania and the list could go on – continues Ghetti -. We welcome women, men and young people of all ages”.

From October to June, the volunteers of the association were supported by the students of the Torricelli-Ballardini High School who decided to carry out the hours of Pcto (formerly school-work alternation) at Penny Wirton. Penny Wirton in Faenza is part of the network of Penny Wirton schools, over 60 present throughout Italy and which refer to the school in Rome founded by Eraldo Affinati and Anna Luce Lenzi in 2008.

Read also: “When hope dances” at the reception center of Santa Maria in Fabriago

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