The regional council rejects the opposition’s motion on the future of the Busto and Gallarate hospitals

The regional council rejects the opposition’s motion on the future of the Busto and Gallarate hospitals
The regional council rejects the opposition’s motion on the future of the Busto and Gallarate hospitals

The regional council rejected the motion presented by opposition councilors Ferrazzi (Lombardy Better) e Smart (Democratic Party) e Licata (Action – Italia Viva) which asked for commitments for the areas which are now hospital areas and which will be decommissioned with the creation of the single garrison: «Today the regional council rejected a motion which simply asked for put those commitments on paper which the representatives of the junta have often flaunted, especially during the electoral campaign, regarding the maintenance of significant territorial health functions in the areas that currently host the hospitals of Busto and Gallaratein view of the construction of the new hospital which will be completed no earlier than 2030″ state the three councilors who were the first signatories of the document rejected this morning in the council chamber.

«A shameful and incomprehensible attitude of those who hide, like ostriches, their heads in the sand – attacks Ferrazzi – ignoring the concerns that many citizens have expressed and which will certainly not subside after today’s vote. We will insist and monitor that healthcare services continue to be provided between now and at least 2030, because before that date it will be impossible for the new structure to be ready, we are talking about six years, during which the citizens of Valle Olona have the right to treatment. Among other things, it is unfortunate to take note of the clumsy attempt by some majority councilors in the area not to respond to the merits of the motion, but to throw it into confusion.”

«An attitude, that of the councilor in particular, which is truly incomprehensible, especially after all the declarations during the election campaign which ensured socio-health interventions in these areas – adds Astuti -. We asked for a serious and formal commitment which did not exist and we are really very worried, because at least six years are left for the construction of the new hospital and in the meantime we continue to witness a constant weakening of the services which instead must remain in the territories and must be guaranteed”.

«I find this stance on the part of the majority embarrassing to say the least, as it does not have the courage to put in writing things that, at least in words, it says it wants to do – concludes Licata – This morning the impression was that of an attitude that does not certainly has the well-being and safety of citizens as its priority. If this were the case, there would have been no problems in approving what we asked for, that is, the necessary planning of the health services that will be provided in the old and new structures of Busto Arsizio and Gallarate, guaranteeing the quality of services even in the long transitional phase of carrying out the works”.

For the majority, Emanuele Monti replies: « Thanks to the unanimous approval by the Council Chamber of one of my proposals in the Commission, it will be It is possible to strengthen the university training network for the new Busto-Gallarate hospital, thus obtaining even more high-profile doctors in the area. This success was achieved on the ashes of a rejected opposition motion which instead instrumentally requested clarifications on the health facility program agreement” declared Monti who, starting from Ferrazzi’s criticism, obtained a commitment from the Council to support the Asst Valle Olona in creating agreements with academic institutions: «Being able to count on university training networks has many advantages and, above all, the possibility of involving young people. In the future the new hospital will be able to offer opportunities both for professional growth but also linked to quality of life.”

Monti attacks the signatory councilors: « For some time now only fake news has been arriving from the Left, evidently aimed at obtaining a questionable political result in the area: first, councilor Astuti of the PD spread the false news of the lack of funds for the New Hospital, disavowed by a resolution of the Regional Council which instead has allocated substantial funds in full for the hospital; now he’s done it councilor Ferrazzi of Lombardy Migliore who, having not found space in the hearing at the Pirellone trying to create an axis with the Gallarate Hospital Committee, submitted to the Chamber a redundant motion that resumes activities that the Lombardy Region is already implementing, after having accepted citizens’ requests. Evidently so far he has acted like the ostrich, he has kept his head in the sand but I thank him for bringing attention to the only interesting idea, that is mine: the idea of ​​strengthening the Training Network with university collaboration to recruit doctors . My proposal, strengthened, was approved unanimously by the Chamber, demonstrating the will of the Lombardy Region to enhance the work done so far in this direction.”

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