International day dedicated to the giraffe at the Bioparco di Roma – EZ Rome

International day dedicated to the giraffe at the Bioparco di Roma – EZ Rome
International day dedicated to the giraffe at the Bioparco di Roma – EZ Rome

On Sunday 23 June the Rome Bioparco will organize a special event on the occasion of International Giraffe Day. The day, entitled ‘His Highness the Giraffe’, promises to be an educational and fun experience, with activities taking place from 11.30am to 5.30pm, all dedicated to the tallest mammal on the planet.

Educational activities and interactive workshops

During ‘His Highness the Giraffe’, visitors will have the opportunity to participate in many interactive activities that highlight the peculiarities of giraffes. One of the main attractions will be ‘The Giraffe in Numbers’, an engaging game through which it will be possible to learn various interesting aspects of these elegant animals. Participants will discover curiosities such as the height, length of the tongue and tail, and the weight of the heart of giraffes, adding new perspectives to what they already know.

In a specially set up educational laboratory, an activity called ‘A long, long neck’ will be held, where visitors will be able to observe and handle models of the skull and the seven vertebrae that make up the giraffe’s neck. This activity aims to raise awareness of the unique evolutionary adaptations of these animals by educating participants that giraffes, despite their long necks, have the same number of vertebrae as humans.

Anatomical discovery and thematic games

Another interesting activity will be ‘A Safety Net’, which will illustrate the complex anatomical mechanism known as the rete mirabilis. This system allows giraffes to lower their heads without suffering from blood pressure problems, a fundamental ability when they have to drink. Thanks to educational models, visitors will be able to better understand how this fascinating biological adaptation works.

To make the day accessible and interesting even for the youngest children, the Bioparco has planned the game ‘Many coats, one species’. In this game, children will put together puzzles representing the various coats of the nine existing giraffe subspecies, while also learning the camouflage function of these variations in their natural habitat.

Giraffe conservation and public involvement

In addition to educational activities, the day will also be an opportunity to raise public awareness of the critical situation of giraffes, a species threatened with extinction. Habitat loss and fragmentation, along with poaching, have led to a significant decline in giraffe populations. The Bioparco di Roma actively participates in the conservation of the species through the European captive breeding program, known as EEP (European Ex situ Project), an initiative that aims to guarantee the survival of the species in their genetic diversity.

Anyone who wishes will also be able to adopt the Biopark’s giraffes, contributing directly to conservation efforts and receiving regular updates on the adopted animals.

Useful information

The event will take place on Sunday 23 June at the Bioparco in Rome, continuously from 11.30am to 5.30pm. All activities planned during the day are included in the cost of the entrance ticket. The Bioparco, located in the heart of the city, offers a unique opportunity for families, animal enthusiasts and those curious to learn more about the magnificent world of giraffes.

For further details regarding tickets and adoptions, visitors are invited to contact the Bioparco di Roma via the contact information available on their official website.

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