ANPI Pistoia, a vote against the advance of neo-fascism in the runoffs

ANPI Pistoia, a vote against the advance of neo-fascism in the runoffs
ANPI Pistoia, a vote against the advance of neo-fascism in the runoffs

PISTOIA – The Secretariat of the Provincial ANPI of Pistoia expresses great concern for the electoral advance of the extreme right in Europe and in Italy and for the dangerous resurgences of nostalgia for fascism, about which citizens have been informed by the press and media that are not subservient to the majority government.

In particular, it concerns the issue of a commemorative stamp for the hierarch Italo Foschi, coinciding precisely with the centenary of the assassination of Giacomo Matteotti, the Roman greetings shown on various occasions in front of the cameras, the exaltation of fascism by of youth groups of FdI, of the appreciation of the Decima MAS by candidates or representatives of the institutions, up to the squad violence carried out by some deputies of Fratelli d’Italia against an opposition representative during a recent session of Parliament .

This emergency situation requires democratic associations to take action in every way to counteract the advance of neo-fascism in Italy, starting from the local elections. For this reason, the Anpi invites citizens residing in the municipalities of Montecatini Terme and Agliana to go and vote in the run-off on 23 and 24 June and to express a democratic and anti-fascist vote, in compliance with our Constitution. Barring the path to an anti-democratic and illiberal reactionary right everywhere is the ethical and political duty of anyone who identifies with the values ​​of anti-fascism, anti-racism and the founding principles of constitutional democracy, which today is undergoing, with the institutional reforms of the Meloni Government, the most serious attacks in republican history.

The ANPI Provincial Committee Secretariat of Pistoia

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