Bad weather, Veneto sends the damage bill to Rome

It’s almost 270 million euros the account that the Region Veneto sent to the government in Rome for the recognition of the national state of emergency following the bad weather of May. In the 130-page technical report attached to the request, all the flooding, landslides, landslides, overflows, broken embankments, collapsed bridges, overflowed canals and ruined fields between May 15th and 22nd are highlighted, mapped and photographed. The damage to public property was estimated at 269,687,799.51 euros, to which must be added the amounts relating to volunteering expenses, quantified at another 219,574 euros.

The greatest damage was recorded in the province of Padua (85.5 million euros), in the territories of the metropolitan city of Venice (55.4 million euros) and in the province of Vicenza (53.4 million euros), followed by the territories of the province of Verona, Treviso and the municipality of Badia Polesine (Rovigo).

In those days, over 2,500 rescue interventions were recorded, with 1,445 reports of damage, the majority in Vicenza (458) and Padua (383), followed by the provinces of Verona (215) and Treviso (199), a metropolitan city of Venice (178) and those in the municipality of Badia Polesine alone (12). Only after the possible recognition of the national state of emergency will a survey be started to ascertain the damage to private individuals and production activities.

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