the CGIL mobilizes citizens for the referendum on work

PROVINCE OF PAVIA – Yesterday, in the province of Pavia, the CGIL organized a series of events to promote the referendum campaign “I’ll sign my name for the job!” in view of the 2025 referendum. The cities of Vigevano, Pavia and Voghera saw a massive participation of citizens who signed the referendum questions to improve working conditions in Italy.

TO They livedthe garrison in Shoemaker Square of Italy attracted many citizens despite the summer heat. The CGIL volunteers explained the reasons for the referendum: the protection of workers’ dignity in the event of illegitimate dismissals, the fight against precariousness and safety at work were the central themes that pushed many Vigevanians to sign.

TO Paviain Piazza della Vittoria, the CGIL banquet attracted numerous workers, pensioners and young people, all eager to contribute to change. Fabio CatalanoGeneral Secretary of the CGIL of Pavia, recalled the importance of the referendum to guarantee a better future for the new generations. In our province, we have already collected thousands of signaturesdemonstrating that protected, stable, dignified and safe work is an absolute priority for the citizens of our territory”Catalano said.

TO Voghera, under the porticoes of Piazza del Duomo, the mobilization was equally significant. Many workers from the manufacturing and service sectors approached the CGIL stalls to support the referendum initiative. Referendum questions, such as the repeal of the rules that facilitate layoffs in small businesses and those that liberalize the use of fixed-term contracts, were at the center of the discussions.

The referendum questions

The referendum proposes four main questions:

  • Protected Work: Citizens want to repeal the rules that prevent reinstatement to work in the event of illegitimate dismissals, especially for those hired after 2015. This question aims to cancel the rules of the Jobs Act that allow companies not to reinstate an unjustly dismissed worker .
  • Decent Work: It is proposed to eliminate the rules that limit compensation in the case of unfair dismissals in small businesses, allowing the judge to determine compensation without a maximum limit. This change is intended to better protect workers in small companies.
  • Stable job: Citizens ask to repeal the rules that have liberalized the use of fixed-term contracts, limiting such contracts to specific and temporary reasons. The objective is to reduce job insecurity.
  • Safe work: We want to eliminate the rules that prevent the contracting company from extending responsibility in the event of accidents at work in contracts, to make work safer. This question aims to ensure that client companies are also responsible in the event of accidents or occupational diseases.

“It is essential to guarantee safe working environments to combat the dramatic situation of deaths at work”added Catalano, urging citizens to actively participate in collecting signatures.

It is possible to sign at the CGIL stands in the area, in the workplaces and in the offices of Pavia and Vigevano, with specific times dedicated to collection. The mobilization continues, with the aim of reaching the number of signatures necessary to bring these questions to the 2025 referendum.

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