negotiations open for discussion while Schlein and De Luca arrive in town

negotiations open for discussion while Schlein and De Luca arrive in town
negotiations open for discussion while Schlein and De Luca arrive in town

What begins today is one decisive week for the city of Avellino. On Sunday, in fact, the polls will open for the run-off which will decide who between the wide field candidate Antonio Gengaro and the civic candidate and former deputy mayor Laura Nargi will wear the tricolor sash for the next 5 years. The two appear at the electoral meeting with a gap of just over 4 percentage points (36.89% Gengaro and 32.49% Nargi) so any prediction would be absolutely risky.

The only certainty at the moment is that there will be no connections with other teams. Yesterday morning, in fact, the deadline for making formal agreements expired at 1pm and everything remained unchanged: we will go to the vote with the same teams as in the first round.

In the meantime, we are discussing where and how the public confrontation between the two will take place. Piazzetta Agnes, or Piazza Libertà, on the stage used this evening by Elly Schlein and therefore in front of a heterogeneous square, or at the Partenio theater with an invited audience? These are the questions that the two entourages have not yet answered. Shooting his arrows today will be Gengaro who at 7pm will bring together voters and activists of the Democratic Party in the Biagio Agnes square to host the national secretary Elly Schlein.

For her, this is the second visit to Irpinia in just over two weeks, demonstrating the bond with the local democrats, but also the Nazarene’s interest in the electoral competition in the only provincial capital to vote in Campania. Furthermore, in the morning the President of the Region, Vincenzo De Luca, will also stop in Avellino. More precisely, it will arrive at the bus station in via Fariello on the occasion of the presentation of the new buses entrusted to Air Campania as part of the regional program for the renewal of the company vehicle fleet.

Alongside De Luca there will be the president of the regional Transport Commission, Luca Cascone, and the administrator of Air Campania, Anthony Acconcia. The headquarters of the Avellino Automobile Club will also be inaugurated with the president Stefano Lombardi and the general secretary of ACI, Gerardo Capozza. Naturally, the entire staff of the Irpinia Democratic Party and probably the mayoral candidate Antonio Gengaro will also be there to welcome De Luca. On the other hand, the issue of the relationship between the leaders of Palazzo di Città and those of Palazzo Santa Lucia has made its appearance several times in the electoral campaign given that the former mayor Gianluca Festa has always had a dialogue with De Luca to say the least not very complicated (in the rare moments in which it was there). Also waiting for the arrival of the leader of the Five Star Movement Giuseppe Conte who could be in town on Thursday.

But regardless of the arrival of the big names, the next things will be for both Gengaro and Nargi intense days from a political point of viewor. Tomorrow, among other things, the public debate should be held in Piazzetta Agnes which, according to the debate that has developed in recent weeks, could be particularly lively. The objective, at this point, is to collect every single vote given that, as happened 5 years ago, even a handful of votes could be decisive for the outcome of the competition. Having closed the parenthesis of the ties, attention remains high towards the teams that participated in the first round of the local elections without reaching the run-off.

There are even 5 and, in some way, they could offer your contribution to one of the proposals in the field. In truth, net of the Civic Pact led by the journalist Rino Genovese, which exceeded 20% of the votes, the others have proven to have an extremely limited electoral base in the city. Fratelli d’Italia, Unione di Centro and Unità Popolare for Avellino and Boccieri’s civic body received less than 10% of the votes overall.


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