‘Ndrangheta, the worker’s courageous refusal and the intimidation that sends the gang into crisis. «We make a bad impression»

‘Ndrangheta, the worker’s courageous refusal and the intimidation that sends the gang into crisis. «We make a bad impression»
‘Ndrangheta, the worker’s courageous refusal and the intimidation that sends the gang into crisis. «We make a bad impression»

REGGIO CALABRIA There are also those who, despite the gang’s imposing criminal control over the territory, courageously refused to work on behalf of the “Duke” Domenico Araniti. Obviously triggering the reaction of the clan, between those who wanted to “punish” him and those who instead tried to calm the waters. This is what emerges from the operation of the DDA of Reggio Calabria called Ducal, which led to the arrest of 11 people (7 in prison and 4 under house arrest). Among these also Carmelo Trapani (cl. ’73) known as the “Turkey” and believed by the investigators to be close to the gang, who was, among other things, responsible for some threats towards a worker, “guilty” of having refused a job to be done for account of Domenico Araniti. About a month later, the worker went to the Carabinieri to report the intimidation he had suffered: 15 shots fired at his car. However, it is precisely this act to send the Araniti gang into “crisis”..

Threats to the worker

Going back to a month before the intimidation, the investigators intercept a conversation between Carmelo Trapani and the worker. «You see I spoke to my cousin (Domenico Araniti, ed.), to tell you, we need to fix some tiles”, thus indicating some work to be done at the “Duke’s” house. At the apparently unmotivated refusal of the interlocutor, Trapani began to get nervous: «But did you understand what I told you?… Ah?… But did you understand what I told you, which Mimmo am I talking about?». Having reiterated his refusal again (according to the investigators for fear of not being paid), Trapani became even more insistent: «And do you want to stay in this country without having to deal with Mimmo? What the fuck are you talking about…” Up to threats, “inviting” the worker to “pack his bags” and abandon Sambatello: “I’m not joking, you know! But do you know who Mimmo is?… Now I’m going to tell him…”. But not even when faced with the name of Domenico Araniti did the interlocutor seem to give in: «Leave by this evening because I’m coming home, do you understand? Go away from Sambatello, I won’t tell you again».

Intimidation on Boxing Day

An “affront” that would have been immediately reported by Trapani to Domenico Araniti, making himself available for any “order”. “Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do.” But from the “Duke” the response would have been that of «do not do nothing», deciding to ignore it for the moment. It is in this context that, a short time later, gunshots are fired at the worker’s car, triggering primarily a “confused” reaction within the gang. As soon as the news was known, according to the investigators’ reconstruction, the Araniti leaders thought of Trapani, given the explicit threats made just a month earlier. The latter allegedly denied having been the perpetrator, but at the same time worried because the investigation could have implicated him. In particular, what worried the gang would also have been «the collaborative attitude” of the worker with the police.

“He’s a bad figure!”

An “uncontrolled” intimidation brought with it two problems for the clan, as emerges from the intercepted conversations: the fear of an investigation by the police and the “bad impression” that one risked making with people. «We should end up in jail» Francesco Araniti would have commented, fearing «the gang’s involvement in the affair». Also reporting the fact to Domenico Araniti he underlines the investigations carried out with “new techniques”. «A brothel happened… they closed the road, Forensic, Madonna, Signore and co., they took all the shells to make the comparison, I know what the fuck they have to make, I don’t know. With the new techniques that exist…». Added to the fear of the investigations is that of people’s reaction. In particular, according to the investigators, Trapani would have shown regret «for the bad impression made in the eyes of the inhabitants of Sambatello», complaining above all about the lack of warning to the author. In commenting on this last passage, the investigating judge recalls the phrases of Pietro Araniti, who explained that as gangs and men of the ‘ndrangheta «they must be accountable to the “people” and to “God”, almost believing that they have received an investiture from the “people” sovereign” but also “religious” to manage the territory”. (Ma.Ru.)

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