Will Giorgia Meloni vote for Ursula von der Leyen to the European Commission? «Her problem? She is ambidextrous »

Will Giorgia Meloni vote for Ursula von der Leyen to the European Commission? «Her problem? She is ambidextrous »
Will Giorgia Meloni vote for Ursula von der Leyen to the European Commission? «Her problem? She is ambidextrous »

To be reconfirmed as head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen needs the help of Giorgia Meloni. And the Italian prime minister intends to give it to him. A package of votes to guarantee it in exchange for a commissioner. Either to the budget or to defense. Meloni’s help to von der Leyen may not even be decisive. But it serves the outgoing president as life insurance in the European Parliament vote. Five years ago there were 80 snipers and they put your election in danger. On July 18th, at least 10% of the 440 starting votes were already counted. This is why the votes that could come from Ecr are important. While the Italian Prime Minister has not yet decided whether to publicly declare her support. And Romano Prodi says that the prime minister “has a problem: she is not right-wing, she is ambidextrous”.


The negotiation starts from the EPP and Ursula. The socialists do not want enlargements in the majority, much less with the ECR. Instead, they would like to start negotiations with the Greens. Precisely the group that the Popolari don’t want. EPP and socialists are the two leading groups in the European Parliament, and for this reason the negotiations get off to a very bumpy start. However, von der Leyen intends to use the commissioner negotiations to secure his re-election. And Italy is aiming for recognition of its right-wing coalition. To demonstrate that they can get out of the “cordon sanitaire” that envelops the far right in Strasbourg. For this reason, explains today the Corriere della Sera, Meloni had a first informal exchange with von der Leyen during the G7. A confidential discussion in an interlocutory setting, as those who chew the dossiers define it.

The commissioner

As far as the commissioner is concerned, Competition has already been discarded given the many open dossiers between Europe and Italy in this area. And Economy is also excluded, given the role played in recent years by Paolo Gentiloni. And then the Budget and Defense could constitute the most valid bargaining chip. The name that the Meloni government intends to use is that of Elisabetta Belloni. Even if Giancarlo Giorgetti also remains on track. Meanwhile, Romano Prodi reads the current European political moment like this: The People’s Party have won and will nominate von der Leyen. The socialists will support it and will try to accelerate, while Meloni will try to buy time while waiting for the French elections. Meloni has a problem: she is not right-wing, she is ambidextrous. She behaves on the right towards Von der Leyen, and then puts herself with the right which is her to the right of her. You have to choose which right to choose, and it’s not easy.”

Melons ambidextrous

From this perspective, Meloni could also return through the window: «The People’s Party have a large majority, but it must be approved by parliament with a secret vote and I can tell you from experience that the secret vote is a problem. To be elected by secret ballot you must have a certain “reserve” of votes. If this reservation is made with environmentalists then the majority becomes very large and things get complicated for Meloni”, concludes Prodi.

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