Finance, 231 total tax evaders and 356 irregular workers discovered in Umbria

Finance, 231 total tax evaders and 356 irregular workers discovered in Umbria
Finance, 231 total tax evaders and 356 irregular workers discovered in Umbria

Over 10 thousand administrative checks and approximately 2,800 investigations at the request of the ordinary and accounting judiciary, to combat economic-financial crimes and the infiltration of crime into the economy carried out in 17 months (from the beginning of 2023 to May 2024). These are the numbers of the activity of the Guardia di Finanza in Umbria, illustrated on Tuesday on the occasion of the party for the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the body which was held in Perugia.

The day also saw the change of the Umbria regional commander of the yellow flames, with the handover between the brigadier general Alberto Reda (transferor) and the brigadier general Francesco Mazzotta (incoming). The ceremony was the opportunity for General Reda, after approximately three years of command in Umbria, to address “a heartfelt greeting to the magnificent city of Perugia and the extraordinary Umbria Region, I express the most heartfelt and affectionate wishes for good work to my colleague and friend, General Francesco Mazzotta, wishing him to receive even more satisfaction from the Command than I have had”. The outgoing commander also underlined that he has always worked with his gaze turned forward, to achieve the objectives of equity and social justice, which are the foundation of the mission of the Guardia di Finanza.

Fight against fraud and tax evasion

The inspection activities allowed the identification of 231 total tax evaders, i.e. those carrying out business or self-employed activities completely unknown to the tax authorities, and 356 “black” or irregular workers. In addition, approximately 430 judicial police investigations were carried out, which led to the reporting of 278 individuals for tax crimes (mainly relating to the issuing of invoices for non-existent transactions and omitted or fraudulent declarations). The value of the assets seized/proposed for seizure as a profit from tax evasion and fraud is approximately 180 million euros.

The investigative and analytical activities on subsidized tax credits in the construction and energy sectors made it possible, in light of the 265 interventions carried out, to detect crimes for a total amount of approximately 147 million euros. 49 proposals for the cessation of the VAT number and cancellation from the Vies database were made against economic entities characterized by tax risk profiles.

The interventions carried out regarding excise duties amount to 49, also to protect the fuel market. 129 violations were also found regarding the control of fuel prices, compared to the 668 checks carried out.

Protection of public spending

The activity of the Financial Police in the sector of the protection of public spending is aimed at supervising the correct use of European Union and national resources, for the implementation of interventions to support businesses and families. Over 1000 interventions have been carried out in total by the Departments of the Umbria Regional Command to protect the main spending flows, in addition to approximately 721 investigative mandates concluded in collaboration with the national – criminal and accounting – and European (EPPO) judiciary. The directives given aim, as a priority, to monitor projects and investments financed with resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. In this context, 253 interventions were carried out aimed at verifying the entitlement of citizens and businesses to tax credits, contributions and financing, as well as the correct execution of the works and services subject to public tenders, for approximately 17 million euros. Also significant was the attention paid to activities aimed at preventing and combating conduct aimed at jeopardizing the correct use of financial resources relating to structural funds, direct expenditure, “Next Generation EU”, CAP, as well as business incentives and other expenditure national and local. In this regard, the over 200 interventions carried out have allowed the competent authorities to make seizure proposals for over 69 million euros and to report 57 subjects.

In the field of citizenship income, 438 checks were carried out, all selectively oriented thanks to targeted risk analyzes developed by the Special Component, which made it possible to intercept approximately 3 million euros unduly received/requested, as well as to report 192 subjects to the Judicial Authority .

As part of the collaboration with the Judicial Accounting Authority in matters of administrative liability, 103 responsible parties were reported to the Court of Auditors, with the ascertainment of damages to the public treasury for over 21 million euros.

In terms of procurement, award procedures and methods of execution of works and services for approximately 290 million euros were monitored.

The action of the Corps in combating corruption phenomena and other crimes against the Public Administration, carried out by leveraging the particular investigative powers that characterize the economic-financial police and developing structured investigations of a technical, financial and patrimonial nature, aimed at reconstructing the criminal regimes and the role of the subjects involved, led to the reporting of 37 people, of which 4 were arrested and to make proposals for seizure of over 1.1 million euros.

Fight against organized and economic-financial crime

In the fight against organized and economic-financial crime, the Corps’ action aims to block criminal infiltration into the legal economy and, at the same time, to protect the free market and compliance with the rules of healthy competition. In the area of ​​money laundering and self-laundering, over 70 interventions have been carried out, which have led to the reporting of 148 people, of whom 1 has been arrested, and to the reconstruction of illicit operations for approximately 133 million.

Over 465 suspicious financial flows generated by operators of the anti-money laundering prevention system were investigated, of which 4 related to terrorist financing.

In terms of bankruptcy crimes and the business crisis code, the assets seized/proposed for seizure amount to approximately 13 million euros out of a total of diverted assets of approximately 67 million while with reference to usury and extortion conduct they were 3 subjects reported with seizures worth approximately 240 thousand euros.

In application of the anti-mafia legislation, 97 subjects were subjected to asset checks, which led to the application of confiscation measures for a value of approximately 700 thousand euros and seizure proposals for over 30 million.

Over 1,000 checks were then carried out following requests received from the Prefects of the Republic, most of which referred to checks functional to the release of anti-mafia documentation.

In the period under review, the Corps Departments seized approximately 53 kilograms of hashish, cocaine, marijuana and light cannabis inflorescences (hemp sativa), reporting 102 subjects to the AG (of which 31 were under arrest) and reporting 216 to the Prefects. The fight against illicit trafficking, in general, is also ensured within the “117” Service, the subject of recent interventions in the operational, training and technical-logistic fields, aimed at increasing the operational readiness and effectiveness of the patrols’ intervention in the area, in response to citizen reports.

In terms of protection of the goods and services market, 290 interventions were carried out, 73 powers of the Judicial Authority were developed and 44 subjects were reported. Following these activities, over 480 thousand counterfeit products were seized, with false indication of being made in Italy, unsafe and in violation of copyright legislation.

Competition in public order and safety services

The Corps’ competitive commitment to the protection of public order and security continues to be guaranteed in the management of public demonstrations and events of particular importance, in which the Corps participates as a priority with the use of specialized Anti-Terrorism Ready-to-Employ soldiers. “AT-PI”. In 2023, the Fiamme Gialle Umbria employed a total of 1,371 man-days in public order services during demonstrations, sporting events, international meetings and other events. This commitment, which is continuing in 2024, led to an overall use of 1,897 man-days in public order services.

Fight against tax evasion, avoidance and fraud

Total tax evaders: 231

Illegal/illegal workers: 356

Subjects reported for tax crimes: 278

Value of assets seized/proposed for seizure for tax crimes: 180 million

Undue compensations and other infringements relating to tax credits – infringements detected: 147 million

Fight against crimes in the sector of protection of public spending

Structural funds, direct expenditure, “Next Generation EU”, CAP, business incentives and other national and local expenditure:

– value of seizure proposals: 69 million

– subjects reported: 57

Basic income:

– subjects reported: 192

– sums unduly received/requested: 3 million

Treasury damages reported to the Court of Auditors: 21 million

Value of contracts subjected to control: 290 million

Fight against organized and economic-financial crime

Confirmed money laundering: 133 million

Subjects reported: 148

Bankruptcy crimes and the corporate crisis code:

– value of confirmed distractions: 67 million

– value of seizures/seizure proposals: 13 million

Application of anti-mafia legislation:

– subjects subjected to checks: 97

– value of seizure proposals: 30 million

Anti-mafia prevention activities at the request of the Prefects:

– investigations carried out: 1,000

Counterfeit industrial products, with false indication of being made in Italy, unsafe, not in compliance with the regulations

on copyright: 480 thousand

Countering drug trafficking:

– substances subjected to seizure: 53 kg.

– subjects reported: 102

. of which under arrest: 31

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