Garbage in Italy, Shirley Manson: ‘Music has changed. But we keep our ideas’

They will play this evening, June 26, at the Circolo Magnolia in Milan for a single Italian date. Let’s talk about Garbage by the incredible Shirley Manson who in an interview with Sky Tg24 spoke about what it means to be a band that is still influential today, despite the music having changed a lot over time. But also the pressures to face in order not to drown in the logic of the rankings and of the artists, who don’t necessarily have to express an opinion (and she, who has always done so, explained why)

Shirley Manson is not just the singer and soul of Garbage: she is the voice of the last 30 years of music. When the video of Stupid Girl, her cold gaze and her apparently aggressive personality entered our homes thanks to the MTV videos, it was already understood that there was something strong in this artist, and in this band. Yes: a group that had a well-defined identity, but above all a unique sound, which many today try to copy (and fail). Meeting her after having scrutinized and observed her for so many years (and admiring her strength and personality) made me understand many things. One above all: Shirley Manson is a very sweet person, and her very green eyes – which penetrate your soul – hide more nuances of a soul. Shirley has a strong personality, she is not afraid to say what she thinks, and stands up for her opinions. Years ago she was seen almost as the bad woman of music, but not everyone had yet understood that Shirley Manson would be the beacon for girls and women today. That yes, they can defend their ideas without fear, and at the same time have a sweet soul. With Shirley we talked about the history of Garbage, how music has changed in recent years and the role of artists (and not only).

Thirty years of Garbage

Shirley, Garbage return to play live in Italy with songs that have become a symbol of several generations. Is it a privilege to be one or do you feel a responsibility?

It’s a complex question that I can’t give a precise answer to, I’m honest (smiles). Our band has existed for 30 years: a long period in which we have served as a soundtrack for many people. After a long time, being in Milan again is a bit strange. But yesterday while I was walking around the city I got excited and said to myself: Wow, I am truly lucky to have chosen a profession like this! It’s strange, yes. Also because we never imagined having such a long career.

“Looking back, I wish “Stupid Girl” was “Stupid Boy” or “Stupid Dude”

I reread the lyrics of some of your songs, like Stupid Girl And I Think I’m Paranoid and I reflected on the fact that, today, many words and adjectives can no longer be said. Your lyrics were written many years ago, but they are still very relevant.

Thinking about it, after a long time, I would have preferred to title the song Stupid Boy or Stupid Dude. Since we wrote that record we have changed a lot, even if I recognize that those lyrics are still very loved and listened to today. But this is precisely the surprising element of music: it can tell things that you don’t come into contact with every day. That’s the luxury of being a musician, and I’m grateful for it. I am grateful to express my opinion on uncomfortable topics thanks to music, especially in recent years, where it is increasingly difficult to make protest songs and sing them.

“I don’t think artists necessarily have to give their opinion: everyone has to do it”

How important is it, like Garbage, to continue to shout your rights, to share your thoughts without fear, in a world that has changed a lot? I am looking at this year’s electoral events, such as the elections in the United States and beyond. Why is it important for artists to have their say?

I don’t think artists necessarily have to raise their voices and say their opinion: I think it depends on each of us, regardless of profession: do we speak out loud or do we choose to stay silent? Artists are like everyone else. My father encouraged me to defend my ideas, to share my opinions and to tell my truth: this is how I was raised, and often this way of being was seen as a conflictual and political attitude, which I am not . I’m just a person trying to figure out how to survive in this world that seems to be getting more and more brutal…and I don’t like it.

“I want to believe in change. I want to believe that everything will get better”

I see music as soft power. Is change, thanks to music, still possible?

I want to believe that change is possible. That things will get better. But I want to think that change is possible! I want to believe that! I want to keep hope high because if I didn’t, I would lock myself in my room forever and never come out again. Music is a soft power: you can deal with topics in a veiled way without questioning people. But it gives messages to the conscience: this is the wonder of music. I am convinced that music is really good for people. And when people are happy, they are less mean.

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“Every single thing, whether you choose to remain silent or speak out, is a political choice”

She talked about the role her father had in her life: he encouraged her to have opinions and to defend them. A message that she can spread to those who listen to Garbage’s music, so much so that she becomes a “mother” for many of her fans…

Today we are encouraged not to be “political”: it is strange, also because it is impossible not to be if you are a human being living in this world. Every single thing, whether you choose to remain silent or speak out, is a political choice. I believe it is very important to guarantee freedom of expression: human beings have the gift of communication, and this is what distinguishes us from animals. Communication has the power to change the world, and it always will.

Garbage and musical identity: it’s a topic that’s very close to my heart. How did you manage to maintain yours over time, without being affected by the logic of numbers?

We live in a time where everything is becoming uniform. Everyone likes predictability: a bit like when they hear a song and always want that one because it’s popular, it’s predictable, it doesn’t say anything strange. It is very important to me to represent all opinions, styles, attitudes, genders and sexualities. I believe it is fundamental to a healthy society. I think it also makes life more interesting. I like seeing different things, that’s what excites me. I like listening to music I’ve never heard before. It’s true that not everything can always be original, but I think we should always strive to be ourselves. Earlier we talked about Garbage’s thirty-year career: we’re still surprised by it, but I think that if we’re still here it’s because no one has sounds similar to ours. And for this we are grateful.

Speaking of music: I know a new album is coming…

Exact. We never imagined that we would make it, we never thought that we would be one of the bands lucky enough to be known 30 years later, and have a contract with a record label, produce records….We never thought that this could happen for us: every time we entered the studio we said: Oh, what do we do now?! In the end, however, the songs arrive… I speak for myself, I don’t feel like including the other bands too because everyone has their own creative path. For this new album, which will be released next year, the creative process was different than the previous ones. Last year I hurt myself and had surgery: I fell off the stage and broke my hip. I’ve been out of the game for three months, and that’s just not like me! What happened, however, in a certain sense changed the way I want to make the next album, which is objectively different than the usual ones. The last one was quite political, abrasive and aggressive. This is probably a little more optimistic.

Is there a young Shirley Manson?

Is there a young Shirley Manson among today’s singers?

I like strong personalities, and that’s what I look for in people: I think Jenny Beth is very good. She is a strong figure, even in the music she composes, but not aggressive. She stands out from other singer-songwriters. Jenny reminds me a lot of Shirley from the beginning: I think she’s fantastic.

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“The logic of numbers and sales? We continue on our path”

Many artists are struggling with the logic of numbers and sales, and are often unable to deal with the pressure. There are many songwriters who have taken a break because they couldn’t handle the stress. How did you, as Garbage, manage not to pay attention to all this and continue on your path?

For me, in the end, it just became a question of survival, just as a musician: I realized that if I don’t make music, well, I’m unhappy. And I realized that nothing can stop me from composing songs, giving concerts. Of course, things don’t always go perfectly, but no one can stop the creative process. And I chose to focus on this. The band and I were able to leave this kind of pressure out of the recording studio, so we could just focus on the music and the songs. Good work can be felt. It’s a bit like putting money in the bank: after a while you have a considerable sum saved up that allows you to live well. You don’t have control over the tastes of the music market or the public, that’s a certainty. Music has changed a lot since we started. We were born as a Zeitgeit group, and then we also became that band that no one wanted to play on the radio: I admit that that moment was difficult to face, because no one likes to be forgotten. But then we decided to do our own thing. The job of every artist is to communicate ideas: that’s what we always have to do, and that’s what we will continue to do. That’s what matters.

“Quality music will never disappear”

Because, in the end, it’s only a question of time: well-made music stands the test of time…

Yes, very true. If you do a good job, and your goals are clear, surely the final product is good. I don’t know if, in the end, it’s what you imagined at the beginning, but I’m sure you’ll be left with something. Quality music will never disappear.


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