The Democratic Party now “doubles”, there is Schlein with Decaro: the secretary returns to Bari for a demonstration

The Democratic Party now “doubles”, there is Schlein with Decaro: the secretary returns to Bari for a demonstration
The Democratic Party now “doubles”, there is Schlein with Decaro: the secretary returns to Bari for a demonstration

In addition to «Mister five hundred thousand preferences», Antonio Decaro, the Democratic Party – looking for the final sprint to close the accounts of the Bari and Lecce ballots (where Carlo Salvemini is chasing Adriana Poli Bortone for the right) – also plays the national secretary card: Elly Schlein will be in the regional capital next Thursday for a demonstration with the candidate of the (reunited) center-left Vito Leccese. The leader’s participation thus becomes on the one hand a tribute to the Bari Dem community which came close to reaching 50% of the votes here at the European elections, but on the other hand it confirms a growing harmony with the former Green MP, who was defended and supported from the Nazarene with extraordinary intensity even in the frantic days in which the political leader of the 5S, Giuseppe Conte, blew up the primaries to support the more radical option of Michele Laforgia.

Schlein, in close contact with the regional secretary Domenico De Santis (among the protagonists of the exploit not only of Decaro but also of the dem list leader Lucia Annunziata, who in Puglia has collected a considerable number of preferences) therefore returns after just over two weeks since the last rally in Via Sparano, an event which allowed us to record the state of health of the party, the centre-left and the pro-Leccese coalition, but above all to launch Decaro’s new leadership. It is no coincidence that the governor Michele Emiliano, in the columns of the «Gazzetta», highlighted how the entire Apulian party now expects the president of the ANCI to receive a recognition or a prestigious position in the organizational charts of the European left, in which the Democratic Party is the most significant force on a numerical (and also political) level.

Before the demonstration in Bari on Thursday, however, the political agenda includes a Roman appointment that will mark the next few weeks: there will be the first joint demonstration of the opposition in Piazza Santi Apostoli, “in defense of the Constitution and national unity”, as a mobilization aimed at marking the path of the progressive camp with respect to the institutional reforms promoted by the centre-right.

Last Wednesday’s riots in the Chamber also contributed to heating up the climate: from there a wave of indignation was born for what the Pd, M5S, Avs and +Europa consider a “squad-style” “aggression” against the M5S deputy Leonardo Donno, who had provocatively tried to deliver a tricolor to the Minister of Reforms Roberto Calderoli. The meeting in Piazza Santi Apostoli will be held precisely in the hours in which the Constitutional reform will be voted on in the Senate and work on Autonomy will resume in the Chamber, after the ‘stop’ following the procedure initiated by the Bureau of the Chamber to ascertain the responsibility for the tensions (many parliamentarians have been sanctions). In the last meeting of PD parliamentarians, Lucanian MP Roberto Speranza underlined that «we are facing a decisive step, not for the legislature, but for the life of the country. Those outside must see that we are fighting the biggest fight possible. We must fight without hesitation. We must block everything, from the verbal process, we must oppose and totally obstruct everything so that it is understood outside that we are not giving up an inch.”

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