«The city officially emerges from financial crisis»

SANTA MARINELLA – The city officially emerges from the financial crisis opened by Mayor Tidei when he took office for his first term. After six years, therefore, the Municipality has what it takes to be able to carry out its administrative and accounting activities, without having the sword of Damocles over its head.

This was mentioned by Mayor Pietro Tidei, who spoke yesterday morning at the press conference hosted at the Casina Rosa and called to introduce to the press the commissioners of the Extraordinary Liquidation Body, who followed this matter with professionalism, thanks also to the collaboration of the offices municipal. “It was an opportunity – said the mayor – to present the report on the commissioner’s management and the final numbers presented by the commission are merciless and certify, if there was still a need, how the path chosen in our first administrative mandate was inevitable, although painful for the administration and above all for the citizens. In fact, there was a budget hole of almost 15 million euros. The collapse was a mere necessary act, after the 2017 management report, drawn up during the commissioner’s management, was almost 15 million euros. This administrative deficit was, obviously, not manageable through ordinary procedures. In this context, the action of the OSL took place, to which the administration would like to thank them for the work carried out with professionalism, punctuality, diligence and a spirit of collaboration towards the organisation. The commissioners first thought about recovering all the credits that the organization had up to December 2017 and collecting just over 4 million euros. The action of the OSL then concentrated on the painful part of the bankruptcy, that of the payment of the organisation’s debts. All the entities and companies that had a credit towards the Municipality were therefore contacted and a settlement was proposed to them, i.e. immediate payment of the invoices within 30 days, but at 60 percent of their amount. In total the commission was able to liquidate over two million and 600 thousand euros. However, not all creditors accepted the settlement proposal of the OSL, for these, the commission set aside and transferred to the Municipality approximately 50 percent of the debts, still to be repaid and this amounts to one million and 900 thousand euros. The current administration will have to take care of the remaining portion, as already done for the cash advance not repaid as of 31 December 2017 which amounted to 5 million euros. I don’t want to go into the merits of this action but it is clear that it was really very painful for our administration to also have to remedy this deficit inherited from the old administration. The Municipality is ready to take charge, once again, of the consequences of the administrations that preceded us and, despite the criticisms and attacks, thanks to the rational management of municipal resources already implemented in the previous mandate, it will be able to absorb the backlash of the debts inherited from the bankruptcy, continuing to provide adequate responses to the needs of citizens, returning, at the end of this electoral mandate, to citizens a modern, sustainable city with adequate services”. Thanks for the welcome and support received from the administration and the official responsible for the financial sector were also expressed by the president of the commission, who wanted to praise the political-administrative action implemented by the majority of Mayor Tidei. An administration that in recent years has acted as a good family man, allowing us to achieve truly excellent results, managing to balance the public accounts and emerge from the financial crisis. “They have been difficult years – concluded the Mayor – we also faced a pandemic and we had to ask citizens for sacrifices, as the law forced us to impose maximum rates for municipal taxes. Also in this case the citizens, as for the twenty-year mortgage of around 200 thousand euros per year, know who to thank for their sacrifices. Fortunately, thanks to Pnrr funds, we have obtained almost twenty million euros for the public works sector which has continued apace and we are completing a redevelopment project for the entire city”.


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