centrist leg for the Democratic Party. The agreements on Florence and Bari

centrist leg for the Democratic Party. The agreements on Florence and Bari
centrist leg for the Democratic Party. The agreements on Florence and Bari

The “big success”, as they call it at the Nazarene, of Elly at Pride, with wild dancing by the dem secretary (to the tune of Apnea, a video that went viral on social media) and ovations for her, praised as if she were Raffaella Carrà or Donatella Rettore. Plus the first united demonstration tomorrow in the “olive” Piazza Santi Apostoli of all the oppositions, Pd, M5S, Avs and Più Europa, against the premiership and autonomy.

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Two signals that make Schlein say, once again: “We are coming and no one will stop us anymore.” This strategy of reconquering the national government, based on the satisfaction of the numbers in the post-vote of 8 and 9 June (“We are the party that in numerical terms has grown the most and certainly more than FdI in the European elections”, Schlein continues to remind everyone ), for the Dem secretary it first and foremost involves the recovery of radicalism. The narrative of the left – here is Operation Elly for the reconquest – must be and will be entirely based on the mending with M5S and with the others and on the denunciation of the new fascism, of Giorgia as Orban, of the young people of FdI as Nazistelli (the video of Fanpage they watch it on loop at the Nazarene) plus Matteotti uber alles and the hard fight without fear against the Melonian reforms.


Will the operation be successful? Meanwhile, after some phone calls between Schiein and Conte, M5S announced yesterday: in the run-off for the mayor of Florence next Sunday, what remains of the Conte supporters will support Sara Funaro, the Dem candidate against the right of the German Melonian-Salvinist Schmidt, former councilor of the Nardella arrived, ahead of the turning point compared to the former director of the Uffizi. With a revival of the former red-yellow government, we will win – at least this is what the Democratic Party believes – in Florence (thus avoiding a sensational turnaround that would only have Guazzaloca’s victory in “red” Bologna as a precedent) and also in Bari the dems are arch-convinced, with good reason, that they will win and in fact they point out that Meloni will not be on the streets either in the Tuscan capital or in the Apulian one, so as not to risk his face on one defeat or rather two.

Radicalism, Communals, new coalition spirit: this is how the near future is being prepared on the left. But there is a big problem that doesn’t escape Elly’s notice and it’s called Centro. She hates this word but knows that an electoral support is needed on that side if we want to move the Democratic Party further and further to the left and if we want to add that “leg” necessary – also in numerical terms – to make the centre-left bloc a real alternative to the alliance Fdi-Fi-Lega-Noi moderates. Renzi’s Center and Calenda both came out of the European Championships in pieces? No, because the former is now considered irremediably outside the perimeter of the center-left and the Dems no longer trust the latter.


Furthermore, as Letizia Moratti said (and Antonio Tajani long before her), Forza Italia wants Renzian and Calendian voters. So what about the new Margherita by Rutelli and Gentiloni as a side of the Centre? No, because in the Democratic Party both Rutelli’s denials about his return to politics that there will not be and the desire of Gentiloni, who has just retired (very soon…) as European commissioner, to want to play tennis above all are taken as valid. Hypothesis taken for granted, much more than the very unlikely temptation of Paolo, who is a peaceful guy, to slip into the center-left which is a war field worse than the Middle East, putting himself at the head of a small party or even taking on the role of federator.

But the Center is certainly useful in the new bipolarism which is unlikely to provide for a new third party. Either here or there. And in the eyes of Elly and her followers, unless the post-Veltronian re-edition of the majority vocation succeeds (there are the right people for this, starting with Nardella and Bonaccini, and Schlein will let them do it), a new offshoot of reformism a little technocratic but not too much, it could be created by Carlo Cottarelli or Giuseppe Sala. Assuming that they work, and it is not at all certain, as vote-catchers.



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