“On the side of those without rights”

A public initiative to raise funds for the Street Lawyer association. It will be held on Friday 21 June at the Cellars of Villa Nellcote in San Carlo, where a dinner will be organised. With 60 offices in Italy (one in Cesena and one in Forlì), 1200 volunteers and 300 cases open every year, the street lawyer association works to protect the rights of homeless people.

“Ours is a voluntary organization – explains the lawyer Francesca Versari – in which lawyers participate who provide free legal advice and assistance to homeless citizens, as well as volunteers who take care of the secretariat and management of the office. In 2023 the Cesena office of the association took care of the legal protection of 40 people, and the Forlì office of 42 people. The ‘Lawyer of the Street’ project was born in Bologna in 2000 on the initiative of the lawyer Antonio Mumolo from the need felt by many, to be able to guarantee qualified and free legal assistance to those citizens objectively deprived of their fundamental rights, we provide free legal assistance to the homeless, which ranges from the right to have a registered residence, to related issues to loss of job or eviction. We also deal with requests for asylum or international protection. We deal with both Italian and foreign people who are homeless or live on the streets.”

Anyone who turns to the street lawyer desk has the opportunity to have an interview with the lawyers on duty, an interview that takes place in a protected and private manner. The association aims to open an office in every city where homeless people live. The Cesena office is open from 5pm to 7pm on the second and fourth Thursday of the month at the Caritas premises in via Don Minzoni 25, while the Forlì office is located at Caritas in via dei Mille 28 where lawyers receive their first and the third Thursday of the month from 3pm to 6pm

The Forlì and Cesena ‘Vanni Casadei’ branches of Avvocato di Strada launch their invitation to anyone interested for the fundraising dinner which will be held on Friday 21 June from 7pm at ‘Le Cantine di Villa Nellcote’ in via Roversano 319 in San Carlo. “Avvocato di Strada – says the founder lawyer Antonio Mumolo – is the largest law firm in Italy”. The funds raised from the dinner on Friday 21st will be reused to support the charitable activities of Avvocato di Strada. Reservation is mandatory and can be made via WhatsApp on the numbers 393/1716706 (Alessandra) and 351/5619134 (Veronica).

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