That’s right. Tino Maestroni known as “al Tinu”, a whimsical character who always wandered around Piacenza in the company of his bicycle equipped with antennas in constant connection with extraterrestrials, will return to the city on WEDNESDAY 19th at 6pm in the space of the Galleria Rosso Tiziano in via Taverna 41.

Thirty years after his death he will return to us in many forms thanks to the affectionate memory of him that Maurizio Sesenna and other friends still retain intact, indeed, ever more alive and ever more documented. The event dedicated to him will alternate testimonies, music, songs, poems, films and photos, many of which have never been published before. Thanks to these contributions by Giorgio Lambri, Luciano Nastrucci, Francesco Paladino, Adriano Vignola, Irma Zanetti coordinated by Maurizio Sesenna, it will be possible to know something more about “Tinu ad Tobruk” and get to know a little about his tastes. He has generally passed among us as a caricature, as one of those characteristic characters (such as “Ciotti limon”, “il Cinese” and others) who have entered Piacenza folklore. Yet we still remember Tinu and almost regret it, perhaps because it made this too homologated and banal human community less monotonous.

Those who saw him in those years, but didn’t hang out with him, and those who don’t know him at all and haven’t even heard of him, have on Wednesday 19th an excellent opportunity to get to know someone who was, and who remains, much more interesting than so many vapid influencers and so many empty television characters. It was not for nothing that he also fascinated the director Marco Bellocchio as well as various artists.The event admirably organized by Maurizio Sesenna will also be interspersed with excerpts from the volume that Sesenna dedicated to Tino and published years ago with many testimonies from Piacenza people. The book will be present at Rosso Tiziano and is on sale at the Libreria Internazionale Romagnosi in Piacenza. The volume is an unmissable “piece” for those interested in the history of Piacenza and its characters.

From the very distant Space where “al Tinu” perhaps landed after leaving us thirty years ago, Piacenza and his beloved, inseparable bike, he has returned in the memories of many and it is possible to meet him again at the Spazio Rosso Tiziano albeit in other forms material and immaterial, with the thousand facets of its imaginary world.

Tino Maestroni, our “Tinu” is waiting for us there to amaze us again.

Bruna Milani

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