Green flags 2024: here are the beaches in Abruzzo suitable for children – News

Green flags 2024: here are the beaches in Abruzzo suitable for children – News
Green flags 2024: here are the beaches in Abruzzo suitable for children – News

A comfortable beach with the necessary space between the umbrellas to allow free and undisturbed play. A calm, clean and welcoming sea, where the water does not immediately become too high, so you can swim safely.

And then beach assistants, equipment and services, catering facilities. Without forgetting the fun, for adults and children. These are the qualities that make a seaside location suitable for children: 155 destinations with these characteristics in total in 2024, selected by 2,949 paediatricians, both Italian and foreign. How to recognize them? Green flags wave on miniature swimmer-friendly beaches. The updated list was revealed today. This year only one new entry: San Salvo Marina.

The locations from north to south

And it is precisely in the House of Culture ‘La porta della Terra’ of the Municipality of San Salvo that the presentation meeting of the 2024 Green Flags was held. “In total in Italy, from North to South, 147 were hoisted, one every 55 km, with differences between the various regions – explains the pediatrician Italo Farnetani, creator of the green flags and coordinator of the research for assigning the awards – Another 5 are well planted in the rest of Europe, 3 in Africa. Abruzzo appears to be the ‘greenest’ region in Italy because it has the highest density of green flags, one every 11.8 km, followed by Emilia-Romagna (one every 13.5 km) and Marche (one every 13 .8km). But in absolute numerical values ​​it is Calabria that occupies first place, with a total of 20 green flags. Second is Sicily with 18 and third is Sardinia with 16″. At the foot of the podium, fourth place ex aequo, Marche and Puglia with 13. While in fifth place, again ex aequo, are Abruzzo and Tuscany with 11.

The delivery ceremony official flag ceremony is scheduled for 6 July in Fasano (Brindisi), “at Palazzo di Città, in collaboration with the municipal administration – explains Farnetani – The mayors and ambassadors of the awarded Municipalities and States are invited. For the paediatricians, who operated on a voluntary basis, without compensation, profit or sponsor intervention, it was a professional indication and a medical opinion drawn up based on knowledge of the real needs of growth, health, body development and psycho-affective of minors”.

How do you arrive at selecting the ideal seaside destinations for little ones?

“There are no self-nominations – explains Farnetani – because the choice depends only on the pediatricians’ assessments: at least 35 must indicate the same location” for it to be taken into consideration. The requirements range, as explained, from the possibility of playing on the beach next to parents, to the water not becoming deep suddenly at the shore, from the safety guaranteed by beach assistants to the equipment and services on the seashore, and then restaurants and places to eat, shops, bars, sports facilities. “For the quality of the water and the possibility of bathing we always refer only to Italian institutional and public structures: the ordinances of the mayor, who represents the health authority for his municipality, and the findings of the regional Arpa, public structures responsible for environmental controls”, Farnetani further points out.

Research for the assignment green flags began in 2008. Initially they were awarded only to Italian locations. Since 2017, the boundaries of the analysis have also been extended to the European Union and from 2021 to Africa. “In Italy all the regions bordered by the sea have at least one locality awarded the Green Flag, but there are provinces in which no municipality has ever obtained it – recalls the pediatrician ‘father’ of the initiative – In the last two years only two new green flags (Montepaone Lido in 2023 and San Salvo Marina in 2024), despite there being numerous applications, and is a demonstration of the rigor applied by paediatricians in their choices. Also for this reason, in 17 years recognition has not been removed from any beach.”

“I remember that Italy it is the only nation in the world to have a pediatric mapping of marine locations, a tool of help for families, of promoting the health of children and adolescents, and of prestige for the country, also demonstrated by the numerous patronages granted by national and international institutions – assures Farnetani – But there is more. Every locality that has obtained the green flag has always strengthened the services dedicated to children and families, furthermore the Sicily Region, first among other institutions, has for years included in its budget, as part of the regional transfers provided for by various regional laws , specific economic contributions to the Municipalities awarded the green flag to finance projects for tourist services for children and families”.

The complete list

Here is the list of all the 2024 Green Flags, divided by region or foreign country, in alphabetical order and with the year of award. Italian beaches: in Abruzzo Alba Adriatica (Teramo) 2019, Giulianova (Teramo) 2010; Montesilvano (Pescara) 2010; Ortona – Spiaggia dei Saraceni (Chieti) 2019; Pescara 2016; Pineto – Torre Cerrano (Teramo) 2016; Roseto degli Abruzzi (Teramo) 2012; San Salvo -San Salvo Marina (Chieti) 2024; Silvi-Silvi Marina (Teramo) 2012; Tortoreto (Teramo) 2015; Vasto-Vasto Marina (Chieti) 2010.

“Roseto degli Abruzzi proves once again to be a welcoming and hospitable city, thanks to its splendid beaches and the high quality services it offers – say Mayor Mario Nugnes and Councilor Annalisa D’Elpidio – In particular with regards to tourism dedicated to families and children. What makes us particularly proud is the fact that the beaches where the Green Flag flies are chosen directly by paediatricians, demonstrating the natural vocation of Roseto and its economic and social fabric towards quality tourism for all ages. Receiving the Green Flag means not only meeting high standards of hospitality and safety but also being part of a movement that values ​​the environment and childhood. Fundamental to achieving these goals is the synergistic work that the Municipal Administration carries out together with all the operators in the tourism sector whom we thank for their constant support”.

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