Rome Pride 2024, from LGBTQIA+ rights to freedom: the parade with 40 floats on Saturday. Here are the diversions and closures in the Center

Rome Pride 2024, from LGBTQIA+ rights to freedom: the parade with 40 floats on Saturday. Here are the diversions and closures in the Center
Rome Pride 2024, from LGBTQIA+ rights to freedom: the parade with 40 floats on Saturday. Here are the diversions and closures in the Center

OfManuela Pelati

Thousands in procession, from associations to embassies. Godmother of the event, Annalisa, with her “Sincerely” which is the anthem of the event

Come on LGBTQIA+ rights to freedom, the manifestation of «Roma Pride» on Saturday 15 June celebrates 30 years since the first edition in 1994. The departure of the traditional colorful parade is scheduled for 3pm in Piazza della Repubblica but then the procession passes through theAventine up to Piazza di Porta Capena, to arrive at the Baths of Caracalla, on a different route than in previous years and a little longer. «Wear comfortable shoes» is, in fact, the advice of the organizers. There will be 40 floats that will parade, from associations to embassies and the godmother of the event, Annalisa than with his “Sincerely” carries the anthem of the event she defines herself as “very excited”. The queen of Italian pop says she feels the need, as a singer-songwriter, to talk about the theme of freedom.

The route, road closures and bus diversions

The path will cross via Terme di Diocleziano, via Amendola, via Cavour, piazza dell’Esquilino, via Liberiana, piazza Santa Maria Maggiore, via Merulana, via Labicana, piazza del Colosseo, via Celio Vibenna, via di San Gregorio, Porta Capena square. «The first closures in Piazza della Repubblica they will start at 1pm – let it be known Mobility Agency -. The departure of the procession, with the closure of the roads along the route, is scheduled for 4.30pm. The reopening will take place around 8pm. Divert the bus lines.” Another closure «in via Veneto – continues the Agency -, where the event «The golden film» is scheduled. The road will remain closed all day, until 5am on Sunday, in Porta Pinciana and via Boncompagni. Divert the bus lines.” And also via di Tor di Quinto will be closed to traffic in the stretch including tra via del Foro Italico and via Flaminia in both directions, between 11am and 1pm, for a Civil Protection exercise. Deviations then onto via del Foro Italico for vehicles coming from the square Ponte Milvio and via Flaminia Nuova, Fleming and Corso di Francia for vehicles coming from the ring road. Traffic services will be strengthened by the patrols Local police.

Presences and symbols

the route of the parade which this year will be opened by aabsolute icon of musicof irreverence and individual freedom: Patty Pravo. Among the guests also Serena Bortone, Vladimir Luxuria, Syria. To sign the symbolic image of this edition was Santiago OliverosColombian artist and illustrator who works under the pseudonym «Sako Asko»: «I chose a majestic tree that represents the LGBT+ community, steadfast in its
roots that continue to grow luxuriantly despite the attacks and violence suffered throughout its history.” The parade will be opened by a chariot-sculpture that reproduces a large musical organ which ideally “sounds” equal gender rights, freedom of expression and love in all its forms.

The celebration and the commitment

The day of celebration will then end with Rock me Pride party, at the Capannelle racecourse. They will participate, among others, Annalisa, Big Mama and the winner of the latest edition of Amici, Sarah. At the event, “I expect a record number of participants”, says the spokesperson of Rome Pride, Mario Colamarino. «We continued on our path aware that we needed all the help and support possible in this fight for rights e
that we are not alone”
, he adds. Colamarino, a few days after the result of the European elections, also expresses his concern for “the advancing right” and underlines how Pride, and events like this, are «an exercise in resistance, a way of opposing this government». For the spokesperson, therefore, there has been “a heavy atmosphere for some years now in Italy too on LGBT rights, on freedom of information, on the right to protest”.

Never shut up3

The chariot of Mario Mieli Clubthe LGBTQIA+ association that has organized Pride since its origins, will have the claim «Never shut up3. You will never silence us” and for the first time it will not be dedicated to a strictly community claim, but to artists, journalists and TV hosts who took sides «allowing the demands of the LGBTQIA+ movement not to be silenced». The silhouettes of. will therefore stand out on the wagon Luciana Littizzetto, Fabio Fazio, Serena Bortone, Antonio Scurati, Lilli Gruber, Roberto Saviano, Sigfrido Ranucci and Corrado Formigli. It is the response to the Atreju campaign, the Fratelli d’Italia youth event, «which ridiculed journalists and TV hosts not liked by the government. We have turned this campaign around”, explains Colamarino.

The absence

Absent for this thirtieth edition will be the LGBTQIA+ Jewish community. «I’m very sorry they are afraid of taking part in a Pride event. It’s a defeat for everyone when things like this happen”, comments the spokesperson
of the event.

The Pride Croisette

It is already set up at the Baths of Caracalla from June 1st the «Pride Croisette», the Roma Pride village overlooking the Circus Maximus (open every day from 6pm to 2am with free entry) with a calendar of meetings, events and shows, screenings, concerts and conferences on topics related to current affairs and aimed at raising awareness of social issues, and finally there is also a play area and a food area. Among the artists who performed before «Roma Pride» Valentina Persia, Serena Bortone, Vladimir Luxuria, Syria, Pino Strabioli, Fabio Canino, Corrado AugiasAntonino, Virginio, Pierdavide Carone, Giulia Ottonello, Nicola Gargaglia, Serena Brancale.

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June 14, 2024 (changed June 15, 2024 | 10:52)


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