“EXITTING” THE COMFORT ZONE, WITH ART AND FRIENDSHIP — Modena Municipality Press Office Website

“EXITTING” THE COMFORT ZONE, WITH ART AND FRIENDSHIP — Modena Municipality Press Office Website
“EXITTING” THE COMFORT ZONE, WITH ART AND FRIENDSHIP — Modena Municipality Press Office Website

From the work done on the sounds to the images created, through sculpture and painting. And then, again, the execution of theatrical and dance performances, where the body becomes an opportunity to discover the “self” and “us”. All with a single denominator: friendship.

At the end of the “Friends. Let’s take friendship seriously”, a project that promotes friendly relationships between adults and children through expressive artistic workshops, the Center for families of the Municipality of Modena proposes a special event to tell what emerged from the artistic experiences of adolescents, gained during the year. The initiative, entitled “Friends. Get out of the house!”, is scheduled for Monday 17th, from 3pm to 5pm, at the Centre’s headquarters, in via del Gambero 77.

Part of the 2023-2024 extraordinary family program of the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Friends project, from November 2023 to June 2024, accompanied families, children and parents from Modena to rediscover the values ​​of friendship between equals. The path, led by the sociologist Stefano Laffi, was structured through meetings and expressive artistic workshops in schools, gyms and after-school clubs, developing lines of work shared with the subjects of the Adolescence Table. At the center of the initiatives, also featuring around a hundred middle and high school students, is the importance of creating opportunities for dialogue between young people, also through art, overcoming competitions, fears and masks that obscure the true value of friendship and its ability to encourage a first confrontation with the world, outside their comfort zone.

Monday’s event, aimed at teenagers, families and parents, but also at educators, psychologists and social workers and all interested parties, also includes an experiential laboratory through the testimonies of artists and operators who guided the young people during the activities.

It is possible to participate by filling out the appropriate form on the website www.comune.modena.it/novita or by contacting the Family Center (059 8775846; [email protected]).

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