Italy Albania, live news on the 2024 European Championship match

At 9pm Italy makes its debut at Euro 2024 against Albania. Live at 9pm on Sky Sport Uno, Sky Sport Calcio, Sky Sport 4K and streaming on NOW with commentary by Fabio Caressa and commentary by Beppe Bergomi. In the Sky team in Dortmund there will also be Alessandro Del Piero, one of the heroes of Germany 2006. Both Barella and Fagioli were in the group during the Azzurri’s training yesterday. Here is all the live news leading up to the match



9pm – Italy-Albania


Spalletti: “Italy of giants and heroes”


Donnarumma: “You can dream”


The probable lineups of Italy-Albania


All probable lineups LIVE


Group standings


The scoreboard from the round of 16


TV Guide


Europeans on Sky, all the news


Spalletti’s list of 26


The players called up from all the national teams


The stadiums

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Il portiere sarà il capitano della Nazionale in questi Europei

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In vetta insieme al Manchester City c’è anche l’Inter. I PIÙ RAPPRESENTATI

n”,”postId”:”1b3d692b-542b-4e4e-9702-84caa6724d32″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T07:30:41.678Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T09:30:41+0200″,”video”:{“videoId”:”932168″,”videoPageUrl”:”″},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”Euro 2024, l’Italia unita dalla maglia azzurra”,”postId”:”3d6efc39-3430-448f-8845-cb3f5f0a8227″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T07:26:10.832Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T09:26:10+0200″,”video”:{“videoId”:”932856″,”videoPageUrl”:”″},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”Germania show all’esordio”,”content”:”

I tedeschi di Nagelsmann hanno dominato la gara inaugurale contro la Scozia per 5-1

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Insieme a lui Stefan Lupp e Marco Achmuller nel ruolo di assistenti. Il quarto uomo, invece, sarà Daniel Siebert, mentre Christian Dingert e Bastian Dankert (olandese e unico non tedesco del team arbitrale) saranno al VAR

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Direttamente dai nostri inviati in Germania. CLICCA QUI PER VEDERLE

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La sfida tra Italia e Albania sarà live su Sky Sport Uno, Sky Sport Calcio, Sky Sport 4K e in streaming su NOWTelecronaca affidata a Fabio Caressa e Beppe Bergomi, con a bordocampo Giorgia Cenni, Peppe Di Stefano, Marco Nosotti e Riccardo Re. Lo studio Sky sarà situato direttamente all’interno dello stadio e dalle 20 e dalle 23 appuntamento con ‘Sky Euro Show’ con Federica Masolin, Fabio Capello, Gianluca Di Marzio e Alessandro Del Piero, campione del mondo in Germania nel 2006.

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La rifinitura effettuata a Dortmund dalla Nazionale di Spalletti ha confermato le indicazioni sulle possibili scelte del Commissario Tecnico per l’esordio contro l’Albania a Euro 2024. Pienamente recuperati Barella e Frattesi. Fagioli in gruppo, ma non ancora al 100%, LE PROBABILI FORMAZIONI DI ITALIA-ALBANIA

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Comincia finalmente l’Europeo degli Azzurri: alle 21 i ragazzi di Spalletti affronteranno l’Albania

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Tutte le partite in diretta, 20 in esclusiva, gli studi e gli approfondimenti, i talent ospiti, la programmazione giornaliera su Sky Sport 24 e sugli altri canali della piattaforma. IL PROGRAMMA

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Today’s program for the Azzurri and the guide to the European Championships on Sky

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Germany debut show

The Germans of Nagelsmann they dominated the opening match against the Scotland by 5-1

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Italy-Albania, the referee is the German Felix Zwayer

With him Stefan Lupp And Marco Achmuller in the role of assistants. The fourth man, however, will be Daniel SiebertWhile Christian Dingert And Bastian Dankert (Dutch and the only non-German of the refereeing team) will be at VAR

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All probable lineups

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The Sky team in Germany

The challenge between Italy And Albania will be live on Sky Sport Uno, Sky Sport Calcio, Sky Sport 4K and streaming on NOW. Commentary entrusted to Fabio Caressa and Beppe Bergomiwith Giorgia Cenni, Peppe Di Stefano, Marco Nosotti and Riccardo Re on the sidelines. The Sky studio will be located directly inside the stadium and from 8pm and 11pm appointment with ‘Sky Euro Show’ with Federica Masolin, Fabio Capello, Gianluca Di Marzio And Alessandro Del Pieroworld champion in Germany in 2006.

35 minutes ago

Italy, confirmations on training arrive from the finishing touches

The finishing carried out in Dortmund by Spalletti’s national team confirmed the indications on the possible choices of the Technical Commissioner for the debut against Albania at Euro 2024. Barella and Frattesi are fully recovered. Beans in the group, but not yet 100%, THE PROBABLE LINE-UPS OF ITALY-ALBANIA

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Tonight Italy-Albania

The Azzurri’s European Championship finally begins: at 9pm the boys from Spalletti they will face Albania

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Europeans on Sky, the news and the TV guide

All live matches, 20 exclusively, studies and insights, guest talents, daily programming on Sky Sport 24 and on the other channels of the platform. THE PROGRAM

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