A Review of “The Voice Due to You” by Jalal al-Din Rumi. By Alessandria today

A Review of “The Voice Due to You” by Jalal al-Din Rumi. By Alessandria today
A Review of “The Voice Due to You” by Jalal al-Din Rumi. By Alessandria today

Jalal al-Din Rumi, one of the greatest mystical poets of the Sufi tradition, offers us with “The voice due to you” a profound reflection on love, purity and wisdom. This poem, full of powerful images and profound meanings, invites the reader to cultivate love as the most precious of seeds, suggesting that true beauty and value lie in the aspiration for purity and divine love.

Structure and Style

The poem is composed of free verses, which flow with a natural and musical fluidity. Rumi uses simple language but full of symbolism, creating images that resonate deeply in the reader’s soul. The structure is linear, but each verse is full of meaning, inviting meditation and reflection.

Themes and Emotions

The central theme of the poem is love as a creative and purifying force. Rumi urges us to plant only love, suggesting that what we sow in life will determine the fruits we reap. This invitation to wisdom and purity is accompanied by a sense of serenity and trust in the divine. The poem also explores the beauty of selfless love and the joy that comes from connecting with the divine.

Images and Metaphors

Rumi uses natural images such as tree, leaves, flowers and water to represent love and purity. The fruit-bearing tree is a metaphor for life lived with wisdom and love. The water flowing to those who desire purity represents the purification of the soul, while the flowers that attract the most beautiful lover with their smile and perfume symbolize the attraction of divine love.


“The Voice Due to You” is a poem that conveys a universal message of love and wisdom. Jalal al-Din Rumi, with his ability to touch the deepest strings of the human soul, invites us to live with love and purity, suggesting that these qualities are the key to a life full of meaning and beauty. The poem is a hymn to eternal wisdom and the beauty of divine love, capable of inspiring and enlightening the reader.

For those seeking a poem that offers a spiritual and philosophical view of life, “The Voice Due to You” by Jalal al-Din Rumi is a work worth reading and contemplating. It is an invitation to reflect on one’s life and to cultivate love as the most precious of seeds, bearing fruits of beauty and wisdom.


Poetry from the facebook page: “The voice due to you”
When you plant a tree
Every leaf that grows will tell you:
What you sow will bear fruit.
So if you have any sense, my friend
Plant nothing but love,
Demonstrate your worth with what you seek.
Water flows to those who want purity
Wash your hands of all desires and
Come to the table of love.
Do you want me to tell you a secret?
Flowers attract the most beautiful lover
With their sweet smile and perfume.
If you let God weave the verse into your poetry
People will read it forever.
Jalal al-Din Rumi

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