Tension at the G7 media center in Bari: activist faints

“He was chaining himself to a tie rod, it’s one of our passive resistance practices: the police intervened, an officer pulled the chain, tightening his neck while he was sitting” and an Extinction Rebellion activist “got stuck and lost consciousness ”. This was reported by Pietro Laporta, of the global environmental movement who has been demonstrating since the afternoon in front of the G7 media center at the Fiera del Levante in Bari. Two other activists climbed onto a structure in front of the entrance to the Fair, while carabinieri and police in riot gear guarded the square where a few dozen demonstrators have gathered.

In the evening, tension rose in front of the media center. The firefighters also intervened with a crane to try to bring down an activist who had climbed the columns at the entrance to the Fiera del Levante in Bari, where the G7 press center is located, during an Extinction protest Rebellion continued throughout the afternoon against the “climate narrative” and against the leaders’ summit. Then the episode with a person taken away in an ambulance.

According to police reports, the activist who was demonstrating in front of the G7 press room “tried to chain himself to the gates and while the security agents tried to prevent him, he said he felt ill and was taken by ambulance of 118 in hospital, where he is currently undergoing checks. No one held him.” The Bari Police Headquarters reported that he did not faint. The police are acquiring images from the numerous video surveillance cameras in the area to reconstruct the dynamics of the incident.

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