University residences in Siena, Giunti: “We need student residences, not hybrid structures”

University residences in Siena, Giunti: “We need student residences, not hybrid structures”
University residences in Siena, Giunti: “We need student residences, not hybrid structures”

“The city needs student residences in the strict sense of the term, and not hybrid realities which in the summer months transform into a two or three star accommodation facility, which brings little benefit to the city but a lot of inconvenience to the students themselves”. Thus the councilor for relations with the university, Vanna Giunti, responded to the question of the councilors of the Democratic Party group Giulia Mazzarelli, Gabriella Piccinni, Alessandro Masi and Luca Micheli regarding the actions that the municipal administration intends to implement so the housing situation of Siena university students can be improved.

“Starting last April – declared the councilor – the municipal administration started a series of meetings with the two local universities, to encourage the integration of the student population and improve the quality of life of the many young people who choose Siena as a place to study every year. As part of the delegation to relations with the universities, I met the Rectors of the two universities and subsequently the general directors of the same, to share a path aimed at building forms and tools for connection and co-planning on strategic themes for the community, with a view to mutual exchange and enrichment. In the various meetings each one highlighted needs, opportunities, possibilities for all the actors involved, demonstrating the desire to open a continuous and stable dialogue to improve the quality of life of students and develop their level of integration in our territory”.

“The establishment of permanent discussion bodies for the planning and evaluation of shared actions has been agreed – continued Giunti –: tables within the municipal administration between the various departments, to address specific issues relating to transport, student residences, canteen service, spaces for recreational activities, services and information for students, training courses and connections with secondary schools; a permanent discussion table between the Municipality and the two universities; a municipal ‘desk’ for information on the city alongside the university student orientation/registration desk, to welcome and allow those who choose to study in our city to get to know the area. A first meeting will be held shortly with the managers of the orientation/urp/communication offices of the two universities. It is the will of both the municipal administration and the universities to maintain a continuous and open channel of discussion between all the ‘actors’ involved, as a tool to continue to grow Siena in its image as a student-friendly city”.

“With regard to the provision of real estate owned by the Municipality, or in any case of other available properties, which could possibly be used as a student residence, the heritage office of the Municipality of Siena has already been contacted by the competent Ministry. The request was to possibly activate Pnrr funds for the construction, but unfortunately the response was negative” explained the councilor.

“On the construction of university residences in via del Porrione and viale Achille Sclavo – clarified Vanna Giunti – it must be clarified that ‘Where I live’ is a manager and not an investor. In student residences, the investors are mostly real estate funds, which obviously invest money in the construction of the residences in exchange for suitable remuneration from the managers.”

“The precise orientation of this administration – concluded councilor Giunti – is that the city needs student residences in the strict sense of the term, and not hybrid realities which in the summer months transform into a two or three star accommodation facility, which brings little benefit to the city, but a lot of inconvenience to the students themselves. Even in the administration’s operational plan, the intended purpose of the two university residences in the making was the exclusive one of student residence, because at the center there must be a service to the student. Obviously, talks are underway with other managers whose main activity is the management of university residences and who are not interested in hybrid structures, which also create problems in terms of controls and authorizations to be issued, as the tourist accommodation sector is subject to very different standards in terms of safety, and not only, compared to a student residence”.

Councilor Giulia Mazzarelli (Democratic Party group), which explained the question, declared itself “partially satisfied with the answer. It is positive that, following the request of the PD council group, there is a commitment to bring together the various institutional subjects to provide an answer to the students of Siena. I believe it is important that the property in question has a public use and for social purposes, that it never transforms in a property for private purposes. The location to prCalculated money for students in financial difficulty is a necessity and a requirementThis question is now dated. A reflection to make is allocate the structure not only to students in financial difficulty who are not recipients of scholarships, but also to citizens in difficulty, young couples and precarious workers. The question of the cost dhe rents in fact it does not only concern students, but also families. Finding a house for rent at affordable prices in Siena has now become impossible, so it is necessaryrio that there is particular attention from the municipal administration”.

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