Victory. After her mother, the sister of the 29-year-old who set fire to the house with her family inside also died

Sameh, who had been admitted to the burns center of the Cannizzaro hospital in Catania due to burns that had affected 70 percent of her body, did not make it.

The number of victims of 29-year-old Wajdi Zaouali has risen to two. According to initial investigations, around 2.30 am on the night between 12 and 13 June, he set fire to his family’s house in Piazza dell’Unità, a few steps away. meters from the former deconsecrated church of the Trinity, in one of the oldest neighborhoods of Vittoria, a large agricultural center in the province of Ragusa. After her mother, Mariam, aged 55, died shortly after arriving at the hospital, her 34-year-old daughter Sameh also died during the night while she was hospitalized in the burns center of the Cannizzaro hospital in Catania. The conditions of the father Kamel Zaouali, 57 years old, hospitalized at the Palermo Civic Center, and the youngest daughter, Omaima, 19 years old, who in a few days was due to take her final exams at the Mazzini linguistic high school in Vittoria, remain very serious.

The tragedy was caused by the fire set at the home of the family of Tunisian origins, perfectly integrated into the local community by their 29-year-old son, who fled after setting the fire, but yesterday morning was tracked down by the police and arrested .

Around 2.15 am yesterday, the staff of the Vittoria PS Police Station together with colleagues from the Ragusa Flying Squad, carried out the arrest of a crime suspect that emerged from the investigations of the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Ragusa Court. The provision was signed by the Deputy Public Prosecutor Dr. Martina Dall’Amico.

Wajdi Zaouali, a 29-year-old Tunisian resident in Vittoria in Piazza Unità D’Italia, was already subjected to the security measure of the Supervised Freedom for another reason and is now accused of “multiple murder and attempted murder”, because he had first sprinkled flammable liquid on the parents’ bedroom, the corridor and the entrance of the house with the father, mother and two sisters inside and then he would have started the fire with a lighter.

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