“I remember everything. I had to stop Hamis even if I died.”

“I remember everything. I had to stop Hamis even if I died.”
“I remember everything. I had to stop Hamis even if I died.”

I would do it all again, even today. I would absolutely do what I did again“. So Christian di Martino, the deputy police inspector stabbed by a 37-year-old of Moroccan origin, irregular and with multiple criminal convictions, on the night between 8 May and 9 May at the Milan Lambrate stationinterviewed on Dritto e Rovescio, broadcast tonight on Retequattro.

Learn more:

Christian Di Martino, love for the city beyond the fear of dying: “I did it for Milan”

Emergency admission to the Niguarda hospital in Milanwhere he underwent a delicate operation that lasted more than four hours for injuries sustained to various organs and to cope with five cardiac arrestsin addition to hemorrhages who required over seventy bags of blood transfusion, the young policeman explained: “My health is better, I am improving and even if it will still take some time for complete recovery, I think I will recover as best I can.”

Of that evening, he then adds, “I remember everything; I had been sent by my operations center to the Milan Lambrate station for an agitated subject who threw stones at passers-by and trains and since I was equipped with a taser they sent me to the scene; once we arrived, as soon as he saw us, that man started throwing stones at us and some colleagues were hit. Whereupon I walked over and got it hit with the taser, but I didn’t have the desired effects. A scuffle arose during which he hit me hit with three blows behind the back and started running away.”

Learn more:

Federico Dimarco, the first fan of policeman Christian Di Martino: “Every day in hospital to visit him, he’s family”

Federico Dimarco, the first fan of policeman Christian Di Martino:

Despite the blows he received, however, di Martino did not give up: “I still managed to chase him and make him fall, his colleagues arrived immediately and blocked him definitively.” Ultimately, he says, “I was calm, it was an intervention like the ones I often do. Let’s say – ironically – that This time it went a little badly“. Returning then to the excited phases of the episode, the deputy inspector explains that he managed to continue running after the 37-year-old “probably because I still had adrenaline in my body; my only thought was that I had to stop him. I felt I was sick, but I thought ‘Even if I have to die, I have to stop it‘”.

After all, being a policeman is a family passion: “I have to thank my father – he smiles -. He was also a policeman and he passed this passion on to me that I have carried forward”. What I have done, I have done because my task is maintain safety for all citizens“.

Learn more:

“We are all with Christian”: Prime Minister Meloni relaunches the video of the student officers for the policeman injured in Milan

“We are all with Christian”: Prime Minister Meloni relaunches the video of the student officers for the policeman injured in Milan

In the most difficult phases, upon arrival at the hospital, he recalls, “I said to myself: I can’t die, I have to do it“. And “if I’m alive I owe it to my colleagues who kept me awake, to the ambulance that arrived immediately on site and to the doctors who gave me first aid, they were fantastic. And to the doctors, who did an exceptional job and whom I want to thank because they saved my life.”

Of this experience, di Martino concludes, “what has remained most in my heart is the affection I received from people; from colleagues, who have always been close to me and also from important state authorities who came to visit me. I also thank the Interior Minister and the Chief of Policewith the Milan police headquarters, who have always been close to me and have always supported me.”

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