The Campania Region launches the “Borghi Salute e Benessere” brand

The Campania Region launches the “Borghi Salute e Benessere” brand
The Campania Region launches the “Borghi Salute e Benessere” brand

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Enhance the pang network of villages which enriches the heritage historical-cultural from the Campania and promote a tourism model imprinted on healthy lifestyles and away from modern frenzy.

With this objective the Campania region presented over the years States General on the Environment in Campania the project “Villages Health and Wellbeing”, an initiative promoted by Campania region And Scabec – Campania Cultural Heritage Society to stimulate and support territorial promotion projects conceived by municipalities in Campania with less than 20,000 inhabitants.

I am 335 the municipalities (approx 70% of those entitled), divided by 48 networkswho have applied to obtain the BSB brand with which to start activities territorial promotion aimed at giving the visitor a life experience greet And culturally stimulating.

A large portion of territory that crosses the 5 provinces of Campania and which together exceeds one million inhabitants.

Come on Caserta municipalities further north of Campania, like San Gregorio Matese, Campania Basin And Piedimonte Matesearriving at those of the broad Salerno provinceamong which Petina, Stio, Olevano sul Tusciano, Alfano And Castel San Lorenzo.

And in the middle there Irpinia greenrepresented by some small municipalities including Atripalda, Pietrastornina And Towers; L’Samnite areawith Morcone, Paupisi, Ponte and others still and, finally, i Neapolitan villagesas Casamicciola And Casamarciano.

The BSB brand will contribute to the creation of an impressive network of Campania villages which will elaborate, in aggregate form, one project proposal containing the implementation of activities aimed at:

  1. enhance the building heritage to increase the accommodation capacity of the network through hotel facilities;
  2. encourage the establishment of aquality food and wine offer;
  3. plan actions aimed at enjoyment of the landscape and environmental heritage;
  4. promote knowledge of peasant traditions and local craftsmanship;
  5. provide for a plurality of cultural events and organized visits at religious sites;
  6. foresee the organization of guided visits to religious sites, archaeological and monumental assets falling within the perimeter of the territorial network;
  7. plan a territorial furnishing model (posters, signs, totems, etc.);
  8. set up a website of the territorial network;
  9. guarantee aadequate information on public services.

Finally, we will work on creating a Borghi Health and Wellbeing carda family pass campania>artecard which will network all the villages involved offering cultural experiences such as museum access, tasting tours, reserved discounts And dedicated prices to participate in events scheduled by Scabec.

campania>artecard it is the pass promoted by Campania region through Scabec – Campania Cultural Heritage Society that from beyond 15 years offers the possibility of enjoying the local cultural heritage and traveling on public transport thanks to the partnership with the consortium UniqueCampania.

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