Forlì. Bentivogli also leaves the League, but then regrets it and immediately returns

Forlì. Bentivogli also leaves the League, but then regrets it and immediately returns
Forlì. Bentivogli also leaves the League, but then regrets it and immediately returns

The earthquake in the League is becoming a soap opera, even a bit comical. After the announced and confirmed farewell of Massimiliano Pompignoli, Albert Bentivogli had also signed the exit from the Carroccio to join the mixed council group, but then he regretted it and signed the revocation. He therefore remains in the League. This happened in the space of two days, but what is happening in the League? The exit of Pompignoli and Bentivogli seemed like a move created almost on purpose to cut Daniele Mezzacapo out of the presidency of the City Council who at that point would have been left alone and with the obligatory role of group leader, incompatible with that of president of the City Council. The about-face of Bentivogli, who at this point would be the League group leader, would therefore put Mezzacapo back on track for the role of president. In any case, inevitably a deep wound opens within the League that leaves its mark and the effects will already be seen in the first city council today, scheduled for Romiti.

Albert Bentivogli confirms the revocation of his decision but preferred not to express his reasons yesterday. Pompignoli instead explained his reasons. “Mine is a difficult decision, painful but inevitable – says Pompignoli – I am leaving the League after more than 15 years of militancy, commitment and dedication. The League has been my home, my training ground for political life, my only point of reference in the ups and downs of an opposition and government party. Today, with great regret, I have to deal with the growing difficulty of no longer being able to share the line and objectives of a party that, unfortunately, is no longer my home. Many things have changed since 2008 and my journey within the party ends here. The choice to leave the League has nothing to do with the mayor of Forlì, Gian Luca Zattini, I renew my full trust in him”.

However, the issue remains over the name to be used for the role of president. The former deputy mayor is not well regarded by either part of the majority or by the minority that would be ready not to vote for him today. If this were the scenario, the doors could be reopened for the former councilor Marco Catalano, who was excluded. In fact, Fdi, for reasons of balance and for the results achieved in the June elections, wanted the presidency for itself. But then during the composition of the council, an agreement was found, satisfying the League, which, instead, aimed to confirm its two councilors (Mezzacapo and Cintorino, ed.). If Mezzacapo is not convincing, at this point the same Pompignoli and Bentivogli could be names to use for the presidency of the City Council.

Yesterday, after the succession of events, a meeting was held between the members of the League and then the comparison between the majority in view of today’s City Council, the first of the new government. The puzzle is not yet solved, all that remains is to wait for today’s events. However it ends, the League will come out of this with broken bones as well as one Pompignoli less.

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