In Palermo “LiberaMente”, a collective exhibition dedicated to expressive freedom

“LiberaMente” is the title of the collective exhibition of contemporary art scheduled in Palermo in the “Experience” exhibition spaces in via delle Croci 16, starting from Saturday 15 June.
An engaging experience, which follows another successful choral exhibition, “The flow of energies”, held in recent weeks.
For “Experience”, an exhibition space conceived and curated by the art critic Leonarda Zappullathis is the fourth appointment since last April 12th, the date of the official inauguration.
“LiberaMente” aims to offer the public a highly successful combination of contemporary art and psychophysical well-being, a combination chosen by “Experience” as the common thread of all the cultural events that take place on site.

The focus of the collective is freedom of expression expressed through the talent and creativity of the artists’ works: Alice Anti, Anna Maria Belli, Daniela Biella, Luana Bottallo LuBi, Lia Chia, Marisa Cipolla, Ivo Compagnoni, Sebastiana Coppe, Stefania Corvino, Francesco Delli Noci, Marina Gatta, Antonella Gensale Marì, Luigi Grassia, Rossella Marino, Antonino Motta, Amalia Occelli, Giuseppe Oliva, Imma Pegazzani, Gennaro Posa, Dario Romano, Paola SalomeAnd Davide Romano.
Among the works on display, there is also an installation by Francesca Annaloro.


“Understood in all its forms – explains Dr. Leonarda Zappulla – freedom is that value thanks to which each individual can decide to think, express himself and act always with respect for others”.
“And what is art – he adds – if not the fruit of the healthy inner freedom that artists themselves achieve by cultivating a passion for the creative act?”.
With the “LiberaMente” exhibition, the “Experience” exhibition space wants to invite the public to open up to thought, dialogue and debate, establishing a convivial atmosphere through which to explore together the nuances of rediscovering oneself and one’s individuality in communion with community.
“The objective – concludes Leonarda Zappulla – will be to light the spark and provide the ideas that can lead to a genuine reflection through which we can emancipate ourselves from the fears that often hold us back, from the assumptions that limit us, from the masks we wear in search of approval” .
The source of inspiration will be the works on display – available until July 5th – protagonists of the “Experience” sensorial journey aimed at stimulating the senses and awakening emotions.
Inauguration Saturday 15 June at 6.00 pm.
Free admission.

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