Democracy in the Rules signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Prefecture of Grosseto

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Prefecture of Grosseto and the Association of Social Promotion, Democracy in the Rules – ETS was signed this morning, 13 June.

The Memorandum of Understanding follows up, at local level, the National Memorandum of Understanding, stipulated on 15 November 2012, and renewed on 22 January 2022, with the Ministry of the Interior, 33 for the promotion of community awareness initiatives in matters of legality and democratic citizenship.

This is the 58th Memorandum of Understanding that our Association has signed in as many Italian Prefectures since 2013.

Thanks to Mrs. Prefect, Dr. Paola Berardino, and to Prof. *Gabriele Marini, USR Toscana, for their willingness and sensitivity to start, as early as next autumn, a new training course in the schools of the same Province of Grosseto .
A warm welcome to Rosanna Andreozzi, present in the Prefecture and from today a member of Democrazia nelle Regole.

«We want to speak to young people using their language – declared the President of DnR Giulio Bacosi after the signing of the Protocol – presenting the Constitution starting from current issues and with the communication tools that young people themselves use. What’s behind the incorrect use of a mobile phone? We have some fundamental principles that we can present to them: the Rules do not oppress, but liberate; the Rule of the Rule is in article 2: Solidarity”
A meeting is scheduled for September which will involve schools and student councils from various provinces where the Protocol has been signed.
Democracy in the Rules is ready to restart with the journey into the Rules and Civilization.

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