«I accept, but tone it down»

«No problem at publicly confront Gengaro but tone it down. Leave aside inferences and vulgarity and talk about the program.” Laura Nargi picks up the glove of challenge launched by her opponent in the run-offAntonio Gengaro, who asked her for a public confrontation in the American way.

She agrees but, after having listened to the words of the centre-left candidate in the press conference, she replies harshly: «Unfortunately I have to take note that the method remains vulgar and aggressive. But it will be a pleasure to be able to disprove the many falsehoods, lies and inferences that Gengaro has been telling for weeks now, since the electoral campaign began. He has never used a topic, an idea, a programmatic point to confront me. I have to agree with him on just one point: the people of Avellino know very well who they don’t want to hand the city back to. They certainly won’t want to put Avellino back in the hands of a center-left that has already governed and has already failed several times.”

And it is here that the clash becomes political, with the Festian exponent pointing the finger at his former party, the Democratic Party: «Gengaro’s it is a coalition divided internallyfrom whose administrative management the disasters of the past such as the light rail and the tunnel derive. We do not accept lessons in morality from those who represent the Democratic Party, the same one that governed the Municipality of Monteforte Irpino which was dissolved due to mafia infiltration, which accumulated two hundred million in debt to Alto Calore, which left the Asidep company with its workers bankrupt and the consequent environmental implications to the detriment of the entire Irpinia. An old and stale center-left with an archaic vision of the city and without any proposals.”

Nargi doesn’t beat around the bush and with respect to the moral question that Gengaro raises regarding the investigation that hit the former administration and which she herself sees as having been reached by guarantee information, she replies: «Stop posing as a moralist and moralizer because possibly trials will establish the judicial truth about our former administration and, if necessary, these will be held in court. He cannot replace justice. The political fact is that the citizens have already declared the failure of Gengaro and the center-left and the appreciation we have received from the voters is proof of this. CI advise my challenger to start talking about ideas and proposals. Unfortunately, he is haunted by the fear of losing to me. I was his main talking point throughout the entire election campaign and still am. He continues to smear me with the aim of insinuating doubt in the voters. But the people of Avellino are more intelligent than Gengaro believes. I do not shy away from any public confrontation but I advise him to moderate his language, terms and manners out of respect for the people of Avellino who certainly do not deserve this unseemly spectacle. I’m ready for programmatic proposals, I realize that he doesn’t have any yet. Maybe he could take them out for the runoff».

The PD councilors reply to Nargi: «We therefore need to remind you that regarding the investigations relating to Alto Calore Servizi among the main suspects is Gerardo Santoli, friend and partner of the former mayor Festa, who was also appointed President of the Board of Directors of Grande Srl. And on that Board of Directors sits Dr. Iannaccone, councilor of the Giordano council in the Municipality of Monteforte, a die-hard ultras of the former mayor yesterday and of Dr. Nargi today.”


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