Righi’s master plan on the future of the city, the total council, the most voted candidates. And a man from Limide cycling to the North Cape Current affairs

Righi’s master plan on the future of the city, the total council, the most voted candidates. And a man from Limide cycling to the North Cape Current affairs
Righi’s master plan on the future of the city, the total council, the most voted candidates. And a man from Limide cycling to the North Cape Current affairs

Obviously, there is also a lot of space today for the elections and the implications of the vote in the newspapers on newsstands. Is Journal That Pug dedicate services and insights to the results of the polls, with extensive reports on the official ceremony of appointment of Riccardo Righi as Mayor of Carpi: in addition to the inauguration speech and the emotions of the new mayor and his predecessor Alberto Bellelli, the two newspapers also report some of Righi’s statements on the direction he intends to give to his administration and on the formation of the new council. “We will sit at a table with the electoral program to be translated into a master plan for the city with a time-line made up of material and immaterial things and to build the most suitable team to achieve the great objectives we have set for ourselves,” says Righi. to Maria Silvia Cabri of the Carlino. To my colleague Gabriele Canovi from the Journal, Righi gives a long interview: “Small, large, near and far – he begins by talking about government and objectives -. The administration will have these cardinal points. We will have to be able to take care of the things that impact the lives of citizens on a daily basis, such as ordinary maintenance, together with vision projects that involve infrastructure, such as the new link road or the new hospital. Then, close to us in time, I think about reviving the carnival and restoring prestige to the Patron Saint’s Day, and distant because they need processes such as nominations for national and international recognition – continues Righi –. On security, greater control of the territory immediately and medium and long-term projects dedicated to the most vulnerable so that the causes of the isolation of adolescents are eliminated, for example, and so that Carpi does not harbor pockets of hypocrisy from which crime can fish for new arms ».


At the foot of the page, the Journal the full council opens, reporting how, according to the first calculations, there will be at least four councilors in the Pd quota, then one each for the Green-Left Alliance and the civic “Carpi a colori-Righi mayor”. From this perspective, the newspaper gives Mariella Lugli (Pd) e Tamara Calzolari (Avs) towards an encore, with the former Democratic secretary Marco Reggiani vying for a councilor together with one of his young party colleagues Riccardo Martino And Klaudia Kumaraku. The choice of name for “Carpi in color” remains to be deciphered.

They complete the “electoral” page of Pug the satisfaction expressed by the city secretary of the Democratic Party Daniela Depietri (“We have recovered 7 points compared to 2019”) and the overview of the candidates who obtained the most preferences and the related probable composition of the next City Council. Article, the latter, shared by Journal: on both newspapers curiosity falls on Tommaso Casolarithe youngest elected to the Council: “I will be the megaphone for the needs of young people,” says the nineteen-year-old representative of Fratelli d’Italia.


The elections special of Journal also dedicates a service to the election of Caterina Bagni, the first female mayor in the history of Soliera: “I would like to inspire girls”, says the new first citizen, who focuses on greenery, competence and the environment. About her Your predecessor Roberto Solomitaprovincial secretary of the Democratic Party, is moving towards the role of head of cabinet of the new council Mezzetti in Modena.

However, there are not only elections in the two newspapers on newsstands today: if the Pug dedicates a short paragraph to the deadline for tenders from the Cr Carpi Foundation, the Journal dedicates an extensive service to the Limidese cycling enterprise Mauro Bigarelliwho left by bike last April 3rd for the North Cape and is now busy on the return journey, still riding the pedal two-wheeler.

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