«I have never canceled anything», but the manager doesn’t respond

PORDENONE – First of all he asks for justice. Which in his case rhymes with the word truth. The woman wants to understand what happened then weekend spent in the dark without any fault. She and she is ready to go all the way, since the fact was duly reported to the Pordenone police. Getting to the bottom of things means getting answers and getting satisfaction after the discomfort. In all senses.

What happened

The story dates back to a month and a half ago, when in a house in the Vallenoncello neighborhood and suddenly no light. Not for a few minutes, but for three days. And all for a request to cancel the contract that had never actually been sent.
«I did everything I had to – explains the woman, turning to the editorial staff for her outburst -, I spoke to the police and I filed a regular complaint. Yet I heard nothing more from the manager of my energy supply. And what has already happened to me could now happen again.” So let’s rewind the tape and go back to a month and a half ago.

The cancellation email

The woman, resident in the Vallenoncello neighborhood south of Pordenone, suddenly receives an email from the company with which he signed a contract for the supply of electricity. The communication is clear but equally surprising: the companywith that email, accepts the interruption of supply as requested. “The problem – explains the Vallenoncello resident – is that I had never forwarded any cancellation request to the aforementioned electricity company”. At that point a bad adventure began, which in some ways has not yet ended.
«I have never asked to interrupt the energy supply to my home. And I immediately called the service manager’s number to tell them that I had never asked for the line to be disconnected.” But at midnight of the same day, the bitter surprise: the electricity is suddenly turned off, as if the woman’s final communication had never arrived. As if that never-sent letter that the manager said he had and was considering was worth it. «It was a Saturday – remembers the woman – and I was without electricity all weekend. I also risked the gas supply being disconnected. All for a communication that I still don’t know where it came from. Certainly not from me».

The complaint

The Vallenoncello resident then turned to the police, “since my bills have always been paid regularly and since I had not sent any communication regarding the interruption of supply”. The complaint was filed, but since then there has been no further communication from the energy manager. «I want to understand what happened, because it could still happen that we remain without power for an entire weekend. I am willing to go all the way and ask for damages for this lack of answers and for what happened. I have forwarded an official request to the company, because at least I expect a response.”


Read the full article at
The Gazzettino

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